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GOOD EVENING, my little toys. It's Micah.❞

The moment the stream began, the comments followed. They were coming in so quickly, and there were so many of them that I doubted he had even seen them. Instantly, mini hearts flew all over the chat area, and it didn't take long for the golden crowns to be visible. One golden crown equaled five dollars; undoubtedly, Micah was earning around two hundred per stream, which didn't include his sponsors.

micahs$lut_: take the clothes off already

Daddysgirl336: drop your pantssss

The comments were laughable, as they always were. Micah's deep voice rang in my ears, and a chill ran down my spine. How was it possible to find a man so attractive only by his voice? And eyes, if we were being precise, because that's all I could see.

He always wore the same mask. It covered his whole face, except his mouth and eyes. It was a deep shade of red, with black outlines and some silver details. The mask screamed expensive, mysterious, and beautiful.

Despite having his face covered, I could tell that underneath it was a beautiful man. He wore blue contacts, which were so bright that there was no possibility of it being his real eye color.

The first three buttons of his silk shirt were undone, which was rare. Most days, fans would scream in the comments for him to just rip it off – and he would. It was a crazy experience, each of his live streams. Each was different from the last, and it seemed that he had been in first place among other streamers for ages.

When I first came across Micah, I had just come out of a terrible, ograsmless relationship and was in desperate need for relief. Just my luck, though, as I came across Micah's Twitter account, which led me to his streaming site, and I became a constant viewer.

Every Wednesday, at precisely eleven o'clock, his streams would begin. The intensity would vary. The only constant thing was my hand in my panties as soon as he began stripping. I guess he had grown his confidence since I first started watching. He'd do some stripping, or rather, ripping his shirts wide open, and gradually it came down to him actually masturbating for his viewers.

And as dumb as it sounded, his cock was gorgeous. He had a small beauty mark on the tip. A fucking beauty mark.

❝It's a special night, folks.❞ He opened the champagne bottle that he pulled from behind the camera. ❝It's one year mark since I began streaming, so tonight, thanks to all of you, I'm here.❞ He chuckled deeply, and the mere sound of his voice made me dripping wet. ❝And you get to pick what I do tonight.❞

The smile I never thought I was able to muster covered my face. Although I never commented anything, I knew that his fans were about to write all the craziest shit and that, most likely, Micah would comply.

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