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GOOD EVENING, my little toys. It's Micah.❞

God, how was it possible to miss someone's voice? Especially, an anonymous boy's voice that I hadn't met, nor seen his face? And just by the looks of it, I wasn't the only one. I didn't get the chance to read a single comment, because the section was overflowing with people screaming over him.

This evening, Micah didn't have a shirt on. He blessed us with his bare chest. I could tell that he was coming freshly out of the shower. Droplets of water were slowly dripping from the ends of his hair onto his body. It was a delicious sight.

I brought the laptop to my eyes, closer, as my eyebrows rose up. On the left side, just above his ribcage, was a raw tattoo. It was still covered in the wrapper and I couldn't see exactly what it said, aside from a few numbers.

His fans were going crazy, asking all kinds of questions, mostly about his first tattoo. And I knew that it was the only one he had, considering he had shown us his entire body multiple times, and there was no sign of any ink.

Until now.

It made him even more outstanding.

❝You know what time it is.❞ He said with a slight smirk behind his mask, ❝you ask, and I answer.❞

I smiled widely. Of course, I loved when Micah did all the dirty things, however, once a month, a Wednesday evening was reserved for us getting to know him, as much as he allowed.

He wasn't shy, either. If there were sexual questions, he would answer them.

Micahismydaddy123: who took your first kiss?

I only would have guessed that he also caught onto that question as well as I did, because amongst the sea of dirty ones, it was an innocent question.

❝Who took my first kiss?❞ Micah repeated, ❝Hmm, I won't name drop her, obviously, but it was by a drunken girl. It was really sudden, she just grabbed me and kissed me, then disappeared. And at the time, she hated my guts. So, that was fun.❞

Naughtygirl__: the wildest sex request you had?

Micah took a sip of the red wine that he had grabbed a moment earlier, twirling the liquid inside of the glass, before taking a few more sips. His fingers were long and slender, and the way he held the cup made something bubble within me.

❝I was wondering where all the nasty questions were,❞ Micah laughed. His laugh was so deep, so erotic and it was a blisful sound I could only wish to hear all the time.

❝I was on a vacation in Los Angeles with a few of my cousins, and the hotel was boring, so one night, we decided to hit a club that we all heard about. The thing about the club was, you went there, found someone to hook up with, left with them and never saw them again in the morning. It was an unwritten rule that it was for one night-stands only.❞

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