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I placed the bouquet of roses next to the tombstone. My heart ached as I sat across from the stone, and simply existed there, in silence. I haven't had the chance to visit her recently, and now, whilst I was visiting grandpa, it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

❝I miss you.❞ I whispered, and a tear slipped from the inner corner of my eye.

Some days were good, some were bad. Yet, even on the good days, I still missed her like crazy. Somehow, a part of me hoped that it was all a bad dream and that she would come back, but my mind knew the truth.

It was cold outside, and my fingers were red, and slowly getting numb. Perhaps, I spent two hours at her grave in total, because as dumb as it sounded, I talked to her a lot. I filled her in on the whole story of Hudson and myself, about the horse I'd gotten and even about Millie and Liam ordeal, and although she could not respond, I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my chest.

Primarily, Hudson and I came to bring Luna here. Grandpa had a big yard behind his house and as soon as they met, they clicked. He was absolutely enchanted by her beauty and had no problems with taking her in. She would've been okay in the facility, but I didn't want her to stay there longer than necessary.

This was also the first time I'd introduced Hudson as my boyfriend to my grandfather. To anyone, for that matter.

Grandpa was unnecessarily serious about the situation, and Hudson did his best to impress him. However, Nicholas Darwin was not a man that was easily impressed, especially not by a boy that, in his words, looked like trouble.

❝So, Hudson.❞ Grandpa finished the meal he insisted on preparing and took a sip of the beer, ❝I have a question for you.❞

❝Yes, sir?❞

Dear Lord.

Grandpa chuckled, ❝I've heard this on television. Let's say you and Erin get married and she died young, and since you're also young, you get remarried. However, your second wife too dies before you. Who would you be buried next to, Erin or the second wife?❞

I immediately began to cough and laugh as Hudson looked stunned at the question. I could tell that he expected anything but such a silly thing.

❝Uh,❞ Hudson cleared his throat, ❝Erin.❞

Grandpa furrowed his brows, ❝Are you lying?❞

Hudson had no idea how to respond, ❝Then, the second wife?❞

Grandpa blinked, ❝Boy, are you looking to get shot?❞

❝Grandpa!❞ I tried to avert the attention towards me. If Nicholas meant something, it was that he would definitely shoot Hudson if he pissed him off enough, ❝Stop that!❞

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