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I WAS proud of myself.

I got busy studying, and it was enough to avert my thoughts from other issues at hand. I aced all of my exams, and when the time came for our winter break, I was feeling the burnout and exhaustion wash over me.

Winter break lasted two weeks, and in those two weeks I was visiting my grandfather. We had an amazing Christmas together, and we celebrated New Year's eve with a glass of wine. I switched his glass with blueberry juice, which he noticed, though he didn't comment on it.

We spent almost hours a day at grandma's grave. I tried cleaning it up, but it kept snowing and it was impossible to get it clean, so we left it for spring time. We talked about a bunch of things, and grandpa knew that something was up with me.

I didn't want to burden him so I lied and told him that I had a fight with Sophie, but he didn't believe me.

Speaking of Sophie, she told me that I should apologize to Hudson. My response was a snort because why the hell should I be the one to apologize? Yes, I said some dumb things, however, I wasn't the only one. He was just as bad as I was. He should apologize too.

I haven't heard from him in over three weeks. Neither one of us wanted to be the first one to reach out and since I was stubborn as fuck, I'd rather see the pits of hell, kiss ass of the Satan than ever apologize first.

It was probably what he meant when he mentioned my ex-boyfriends. I didn't have many, only two. The first relationship lasted for six months, and he dumped me because I was afraid of commitment. He wasn't wrong, though, that break couldn't have prepared me for the next one.

Liam was the pretty boy I always admired from afar. He used to hang out in the bar back home, which was where we met. He was a few years older, taller, and had the softest hair in the world. He treated me like a princess, and he was always there for me. Our sex life was amazing, too.

Then, I made the dumbest decision in the world.

I introduced him to my mother and father. They absolutely loved Liam, but not for me. Since day one, they were set on breaking us up and hooking him up with Millie. The first year we spent together was amazing. We traveled a lot, and we made some beautiful memories.

Then, Liam became distant. Slowly, it felt like I was losing him, and the fact that he didn't want to talk to me, or tell me what I'd done wrong made me feel awful. I spent days and days crying myself to sleep until I finally got the courage to speak up and tell him to decide what he wanted.

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