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I HAD A LOT to process. I couldn't keep track of every single thing that passed through my mind. It felt as if a thousand of memories flashed behind my eyes in one second, and then they were gone. And I was left with the uncertainty of how to handle the situation.

I remembered my birthday party and the traumatized look on Hudson's face when he saw a very much naked picture of Micah on my phone. A picture of himself. Now, when I was thinking back, he could have been traumatized to see himself there but brushed it off.

My heart was racing and my mind was spinning with all the newly discovered information. I didn't care that much, that Hudson was Micah. Of course it was a shock that I was still processing, but it wasn't the most important thing I discovered. They were talking about a girl a minute ago and somehow, my gut feeling was telling me that it was me.

Furthermore, as Michael was spitting out the last sentence, his eyes were glued to my face and he said it on purpose. He saw me there, and wanted me to hear whatever the conversation was.

❝Can you stop for a second?❞ Hudson's voice rang behind me. I did not want to have any sort of conversation with him at the moment, as I thought it would be for the best to sleep on it and talk in a day or two. So, as soon as I heard his voice, I sped up my walking.

❝Erin, please.❞ The desperation that laced his tongue made me excited, and quite frankly, happy, ❝Just give me a few minutes to explain a few things.❞

By the time I heard him, we were already outside. The cold air hit my face and I stopped. Slowly, I turned around to look at Hudson's face. I stared at him, eyebrow raised, with no emotions to show. This whole situation made me look stupid, because it seemed that both Hudson and Michael knew about me being Micah's fan. They were probably making fun of how dense I was, too.

My arms crossed in front of my chest and I gave him an encouraging nod. I was curious as to what he had to say. He would step forward, and I would take a step back. My whole body was filled with goosebumps and I didn't know whether it was because of the cold weather, or because Hudson was managing to close the distance between us, slowly.

❝I don't want to even try to guess what must be going through your mind right now, but,❞ He paused and I took another step back. Bad decision, as it seemed that my back had hit the cold, concrete wall of the school building.

Hudson continued, ❝I was going to tell you eventually, but the timing was never right. And as much as you're surprised, how do you think I felt when I found out you were watching my streams?❞

❝Oh, so I'm to blame?❞

His eyes rolled, ❝I didn't say that. It's just that... after I found out you were a viewer, I didn't know how to bring it up, and then your grandma passed away and I didn't want to say it then.❞

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