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I PASSED OUT in Hudson's car. The moment I put on the belt, I was out. I could partially hear him asking me how the hell did I allow myself to get in such a state, and honestly, I didn't know the answer. I don't know what else he was talking about, and I was way too tired to care.

He forcefully woke me up to give him the address, and once we were there, he was kind enough to help me get to my apartment. I was already wide awake, with a lot of nausea. He sat me down on my couch and walked towards the kitchen to bring me a glass of water.

Hudson probably thought he was discreet, but I saw through his facade instantly. He was glancing around, checking my apartment out.

The alcohol was still there. ❝Why do you hate me so much?❞ He opened his mouth to respond, but as I raised my index finger to silence him, his mouth closed shut, and I continued, ❝And don't you dare say you don't. We both know you do.❞

❝I do.❞ It was a simple response.

I pressed, ❝so, why did you bring me home? I mean, I'm grateful and all, just, why?❞

❝As strong as my hatred for you is, it's not more substantial than the love and respect I have for my brother. So if he asks me to do something, I swallow my pride and help him out, even if it's about you.❞

My mouth went dry. I had no response to give him, and he didn't wait for one. With one last glance thrown my way, he was out of the door, yelling at me to lock them. I wanted to, but I fell asleep as soon as I leaned against the couch.

And what awaited me was the worst sleep of my life.

By Monday, I had caught Sophie up with all the happenings after she and Landon left. It was laughable, and she didn't hesitate to show me how much. On the other hand, she didn't want to talk about the whole situation she found herself in. It was understandable, and I knew that I'd be the first to know as soon as she was ready to talk about it.

❝Alright, Erin.❞ Said Sophie as we made our way to the school building, ❝repeat after me: Not everyone likes me, not everyone will like me, and that is completely okay.❞

I threw a dirty glance her way, ❝I just hate that my best friend's little brother hates my guts.❞

❝It's not a big deal.❞ She mumbled, ❝And what, you decided to buy his love and friendship with some cupcakes?❞

I beamed, ❝Yes. I put my heart and soul into making these. It took me a long time and effort. I hope he appreciates it.❞

Sophie cleared her throat, ❝Those are bought in a bakery.❞

❝It's the thought that counts, alright? Now stop annoying me.❞

Landon appeared out of nowhere and made both of us freeze. He looked good today, and I meant extremely good. Sure, he always put effort into looking good, but somehow, it was different today. He tried extra hard. I was glancing between the two friends, and Sophie had a raised eyebrow whilst Landon's cheeks had gotten rosy. It was an adorable sight.

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