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HUDSON TASTED like fury. Rough, and intense lips fell on mine as I blinked.

I couldn't pull away. I didn't want to pull away. Each time his hands would grip my thighs more, I would feel a wave of excitement rush through me. Or, perhaps, it was because Hudson's lips were the only ones I've tasted that made me feel so addicted?

Just like nicotine, the flick of his tongue made me feel alive, and free. It was unexplainable, and unlike anything I've felt before. He dominated the kiss, yet, he made me feel in charge.

I was the one pulling the strings and those strings were bound to Hudson's heart.

❝Hudson,❞ I groaned into the kiss, wanting to feel all of him more, ❝Please, not the foreplay, not now.❞ The desperation in my voice was evident, yet he didn't seem to care, as his response was to remove one of his hands from my thigh and bring it up to my neck.

❝Do you seriously think, after everything, that you deserve to get what you want?❞

Hudson was there to ruin me that night. I couldn't even be bothered to even think about the situation we were in — locked in a club washroom, the stall door locked with me pressed against the wall. I couldn't even remember how we ended up in a stall.

I knew that he was hard, and those hazel eyes of his told me that he wanted nothing more than to fuck me like a little whore in a club washroom. Though he tried as hard as it was in his power to resist the urge, he had forgotten that as long as it was all about me, he held no power.

❝And do you seriously think I care right now? I saw you, with that girl being all over you, Hudson. I've wanted your dick ever since you waltzed into this club as if you owned it.❞

❝Fucking hell,❞ He hissed and his lips came down on my collarbone. The dress was as exposing as they came, and he didn't need a lot of effort to completely lift it up to my waist. ❝You came with no underwear?❞

Not exactly. I just took them off a while ago because they were uncomfortable.

Hudson slowly distanced himself, and I looked him in the eyes, deadly, and with more arousal than I ever felt before, ❝Easy access.❞

I would never begin to understand, or try to understand, how in the hell his belt came off. There was nothing sexier than being fucked while the man had his clothes on, only removed the belt and opened up the zipper.

Hudson's cock was deeply inside of me before I blinked. As he held me up, he muffled my screams of pleasure with a kiss.

For a moment, he was simply inside of me. I could feel his dick pulsating, and the way it filled me up completely.

❝You're so fucking tight, Erin.❞ He grunted into the kiss, ❝And as of today, this pussy belongs to me. I get to fuck it, suck it, and fill it up. Do you understand that?❞

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