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For everyone who said they'll pay me to see this, venmo me bitch.
Also, slight cringe warning? Idk, it'll either be the best smut chapter I've written so far or the worst one ever. Either way, I'm retiring from smut.

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GOOD EVENING, my little toys. It's Micah.❞

I could only imagine the amount of comments that began pouring in. Of course, from the distance I was, I couldn't see. Hudson had his mask on, and he was wearing nothing but a pair of Calvin Klein boxers.

He gave me a matching mask, and if that wasn't enough, we already had sex before this. I was awkward, and it was the best way to get in the zone. And it was amazing, though I was unsure of what to expect.

When Hudson put on the mask, he became a different person. It was like it was two of them, and I didn't know if I could handle it. We decided on a safe word, just in case things got rough for me.

❝As many of you have waited for this moment, I do not want to make you wait any longer.❞

He chuckled, deeply, and I couldn't help but stare at the camera that was now facing me. I felt as if my heart was about to snap.

❝I brought someone special for tonight, folks.❞ He grinned, ❝And I hope you enjoy it.❞

Okay, we would make bank off this so I had to put on my best act.

Hudson told me to call him Micah, which was exciting as fuck. I was finally going to have sex with the man I had dreamed of for many months, and as he approached me, I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

All of my worries disappeared as he looked at me with Micah's eyes — the blue contacts.

I was facing the camera, and Hudson began to kiss my neck. Small, barely above a whisper, moans escaped my lips as I felt his hands roam my body.

I had on my best lingerie. It was classy yet simple. A black pair of panties and bra, with garter belts around my thighs, which were also in the set, made of the softest lace I'd ever felt.

Hudson's lips came down on mine and I almost forgot about the camera, and probably at least a hundred people that were watching.

His rough kisses sent chills down my spine, and as I felt him squeeze my ass, I moaned into the kiss. I gripped his hair and within a second, I was laying down on his bed. He spread my legs and ripped apart the underwear.

I made a mental note to have him venmo me money.
He inched closer, and I was breathing heavily. It was just the two of us, and the silence was deadly, almost.

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