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I did not regret the night I'd spent with Hudson. It was the best sex I ever had, and quite frankly, I wouldn't mind if it were to happen again. However, I woke up to an empty spot beside me. By touching it, I saw that it had been a while since he left.

I laughed. Hudson ran away.

I was sore all over. I needed a long shower, with a filled tub and a movie to watch until the water ran cold.

The events of last night were so vivid in my mind. His handsome face, his sweaty body and his mesmerizing voice. I tried hard to think of anything else, but nothing lasted, and he would overflow my thoughts with that devilish smirk of his.

And, the surprise he had left for me. My back, shoulders and thighs were full of marks. Little hickeys were spread all throughout. That little bastard knew damn well what he was doing and he didn't even tell me.

As angry as I was, it was also a reminder of how passionate that night was and I got excited just by thinking about it. And, I looked strangely hot with his marks on my body.

I wondered what was going to happen next? Would he avoid me? Though, it was more likely for it to be the other way around. I was overly confident whilst alone, but then when I saw him, I knew that I'd avoid him like he was the devil himself.

Especially since I didn't know what I wanted to happen next.

I stopped thinking about it as I was getting ready for class. I decided against telling Landon and Sophie about what had happened. There was no need for them to know until Hudson and I talked about it.

As per usual, Sophie waited for me outside of the school with a cup of coffee in her hand. Once I tasted the hot beverage, I was instantly more relaxed.

❝You're weird today.❞ Sophie noted. Damn it, I knew that her intuition was good, but this was some witchy, next level shit. Quickly, a million lies flew through my head as I tried to find the best one. In the end, deflecting the topic was the solution.

❝Your hair looks so pretty today, Soph.❞ I said, ❝Are you using some new oils?❞

She laughed, ❝Yes, I made rosemary oil myself and it's amazing.❞ She then cleared her throat, ❝And you're still weird. Did anything happen?❞

I sighed, ❝No, I'm just tired. I haven't gotten the chance to rest much with everything that has happened and the evening classes have been a pain in my ass. Why?❞

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