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┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

YOU AND I NEED to talk about this, Hudson.❞

He tried to ignore me, but was unable to when he saw that I was bringing him sweets as a bribe. Grunting like a little kid, he took the candy and scooted over to make me some room.

❝I don't want you to leave, that's all, Erin.❞ He said, but then, he continued, and shocked me, ❝but I don't want to be the one preventing you from chasing your dreams, either. If you want to try and make this work long distance, we will make it work.❞

Disbelief laced my face. Just a few days ago, he was keen on keeping me by his side and trying to prevent me from leaving, even if it meant chaining me to the walls.

❝Oh, wow.❞ I commented, ❝I thought this conversation would lead in a different direction.❞

He snorted and took another candy, ❝I'm not an idiot, Erin. I know how much you want this, and I don't want to be the one holding you back. You'll always have my support, no matter what.❞

I blinked, ❝You could've said this last month and then we wouldn't have been arguing as much.❞

He grinned, ❝I gave it a shot. If it worked, it worked. But I will miss you like crazy, I can't believe you're leaving me here.❞

I took the bowl full of candy off his lap and straddled him, ❝I'm not leaving you, Hudson. Once you finish school, you'll join me.❞

His lips were an inch away from mine, ❝Yes, but that will be 365 days without you. I can't live without you, Erin. You're the light of my life, and I don't want to know life when you're not in it, all the time, every day.❞

Our lips collided in the most passionate, yet sweet kiss. His hands came to my hips before one of his hands traveled to my hair. He tilted my head ever so slightly, and gave himself better access.

A million emotions ran through the kiss. Happiness, love, sorrow and pain and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't kiss the pain away.

A lone tear slipped my eye and I knew how much this hurt him. It hurt me, too. I broke the kiss to hug him, and to have the warmth of him surround me for the last time. I needed to be in his embrace, and I didn't want to let go.

At that moment, I wanted him to ask me to stay. I wanted him to tell me that I wasn't allowed to go and that he needed me with him.

Hudson didn't do that. Instead, he kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tightly. Sadly, he wasn't that selfish, and deep down, I knew he would never stop me or try to stop me from leaving.

It was my indecisive ass that was the problem.

❝Stop, please.❞ He begged, ❝I can't handle to see you cry, Erin.❞

He forcefully detached me from himself, ❝Listen to me. You'll go there, you'll get that fucking degree, and you will pull through this. We will pull through this. Do you understand me? I will not let you cry, when I'll be visiting all the damn time.❞

I looked at him, and it broke me to see tears in his eyes, ❝But, what if it doesn't work?❞

He gritted his teeth, ❝It will. It has to. I am never letting you go, you do understand that, right? You're it for me, Erin. The woman who is my life. And because you're the woman of my life, I know how strong you are. You'll do great even if we're not together every day.❞

I couldn't hold the tears back, ❝Promise you won't change your mind, promise me you won't stop loving me.❞

He chuckled, slowly, ❝Silly little girl. I would rather die than ever think of a life where I don't love you.❞

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

❝Are you absolutely sure about this?❞ I asked, worried about him as I watched Hudson get ready.

He took a deep breath and gave me the warmest smile, ❝Yes, baby. I'm ready.❞

I never thought about asking him to do any of this. I never did. He came to me today, and told me about the plans he had. I wanted him to be sure of his decision, but one look at those hazel eyes, and I knew that he'd been ready for a while now.

When I first started watching Micah, I never knew how much he would impact my life.

Micah and Hudson were the same person. Micah was just awoken when Hudson was lonely and it was the support system that he needed, and he got it through his fans that were absolutely in love with him.

I couldn't blame them, though. I was in love with Hudson and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, to be the mother of his children and to have his last name. I knew how much he respected me and although I never asked him to do this, he wanted to.

He closed the door softly behind him and I took out my phone and connected to his page.

❝Good evening, my little toys. It's Micah.❞

Although his streams were less frequent in the past six months, whenever he would stream, there were a lot of people that watched him. It was never about how often he streamed, it was about the quality they knew were never going to get from another place. And whenever he would stream, he showed me exactly who Hudson was and who Micah was.

Seeing the mask that changed my life made me a little bit emotional. I was on the couch, outside of his little, special room, with my earpods and a glass of wine. The tears began to spill as soon as I saw the look on his face.


❝I know I haven't been as frequent as I used to be, and you all deserve an explanation.❞ He said, with a warm smile.

❝I created this almost two years ago when I was lonely. It didn't take long for this account to blow up and I was no longer lonely, but I was feeling empty on the inside. It wasn't until I met the right person that I realized that these streams were now an obligation, not a hobby. And you guys spent a lot of time watching me, and some of you left generous tips and I will forever be grateful to every single one of you. You truly changed my life.❞

He paused for a moment, ❝There is no point in doing this any longer. I'm officially leaving this behind me. Thank you for everything, and I had a lot of great memories made here.❞

He laughed, ❝Take care you little fuckers. It's been fun.❞

And with that, the stream ended. And Micah was officially gone.

the end.

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