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I HAVEN'T realized what it meant to be just friends with Hudson. Much like Landon and I were a package deal, so were Hudson and Kasia.

However, it was far from being the same situation. Landon and I truly never had any romantic feelings for one another, whilst Kasia's face made it very evident that she was head over heels for Hudson.

I didn't care at all about that. Especially now that Hudson and I were on friendly basis with each other, she could crush on him all she wanted. It didn't mean it'd lead to anything more.

Landon invited Sophie and me to go to his family's get together. I haven't been in their house in ages, and I was anxious about seeing their parents. His father adored me, though his mom seemed to have an ick towards me.

So, I went all out. I bought her some flowers, as it was her birthday weekend, and a pair of really beautiful golden earrings, that I knew she'd love. I added a perfume and a gift card to it.

Landon told me what her favorite champagne was, so I wrapped that as well. Pam Hale was a gorgeous woman. She didn't look a day over thirty, and her hazel eyes, that she passed down to Hudson, lit up at the sight of the big bag.

I wanted to believe that I warmed up her heart a little bit.

They had a lot of people over, family and friends. I was acquainted with most of them already so it wasn't all weird. What was weird, however, was Kasia's behavior.

She didn't like me, and I knew that, but I didn't speak one single word directed towards her.

She began to taunt me with small remarks, such as my appearance, or how I finally managed to look decent enough. Sophie was the only thing preventing me from going absolutely ballistic and beating the shit out of her.

It was weird how she knew which buttons to press and how to provoke me. Hudson wasn't with us for the majority of the night, as he had family to talk to, but Landon was. And he was shooting daggers in her direction, silenced her a few times before he told me to deal with it myself.

Hudson and Landon had a few other friends over, and all of them were fed up with Kasia's childish behavior.

At around nine in the evening, after the dinner was over, the younger crowd was hanging out in the basement, where Landon and Hudson made it their gaming room, designed specifically for when they had friends over.

We all sat around a big table. We ate some snacks, drank, talked and had an amazing time. A few people were playing pool, and some of them were playing xbox. Soon enough, the only people left at the table were Sophie, Landon, one of their cousins, and me.

❝So, Erin.❞ Kasia began and Sophie released a groan of annoyance. Landon simply rolled his eyes whilst the cousin, Diane, simply observed.

Kasia continued, despite the obvious protest at the sound of her voice, ❝I like what you did to your hair. Those split ends made you look forty.❞

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