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I DIDN'T THINK I would be here, not this soon, at least.❞

I crumbled the piece of paper as the tears slowly slid down my face. My vision was blurry and I couldn't focus on the words that were printed out. Instead, I decided to speak from the heart. And the heart? Well, it was as if someone had shattered it into a million pieces. I didn't know how to move forward, or how to cope.

❝Nana was the only mother I knew. From the day I was able to talk and make memories, she was in all of them. When I had my first recital, she was in the audience, when I played volleyball? She was right there, cheering me on.❞

On Monday, the day after my birthday, my grandpa called me. Just by his voice and the crying over the phone, I knew what happened. Grandma died and I wasn't there. I didn't get the chance to hug her, to tell her how much she's made my life better and how much I appreciated and loved her. She was just... gone, dead.

I didn't dare to look at the people gathered. Beside my immediate family, there weren't many people, but I avoided eye contact with grandpa in particular. He took it the hardest, of course, and I knew that I'd turn into a mess if I gazed his way.

She had heart issues since I can remember, though it was always monitored and with medication, it was manageable. As she got older, it wasn't possible for her to keep her lively lifestyle. She used to love long walks, being outdoors, maintaining her garden and even hiking.

She died in her sleep. They told me it was peaceful and painless. I was glad that she went away feeling no pain, but I never could have imagined the pain it would cause me. She wasn't that old. I just felt like it wasn't her time, not yet.

Nana got into sewing once her outdoor activities became impossible. She got good quickly and would always make me something. The dress pants and blouse I had on today were the last one she made me.

Through the lump in my throat and tears, I continued.

❝I'll never forget the most important life lessons she taught me: be kind until given a reason not to be. To quote her, ❝Life isn't always black and white. Make sure you stick to your morals and principles and if people don't like it, knock their teeth out.❞ And she wasn't kidding.❞

That earned a slight laugh from the people.

❝She was the kindest, the most real person I knew. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be who I am today. And I know how much she's impacted other people's lives, too. She loved giving back to the people.❞

And it was true. She was in multiple charity organizations, giving out donations whenever she had the means to do so, even if it was just making clothes for kids in the local orphanage and bringing them homemade meals every so often. And I was happy that those kids were now sitting across from me, in the back, paying their respects.

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