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I am impatient to wait and publish the chapters daily. So here they are so I can rest a few days before I can write Limited with full attention.

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It was finally over. All the petty arguments, all the assignments and all the partying. It was finally the time for me to put it all behind me, and embrace this new, unknown and terrifying chapter of my life.

Hudson and his family were on one side, cheering for Landon and me. On the other side were my grandfather and uncle Miles. It took me a solid week to convince Nicholas not to bring Luna to the ceremony, as the gigantic horse would definitely steal the fucking spotlight.

Sophie also came. It was the first time I'd seen her in months and the moment my eyes landed on her, I began to cry. We stood there, in the middle of a crowd, embraced for at least ten minutes.

She changed a lot. If I ignored the black hair instead of platinum blonde that had grown below her shoulders, she looked more mature and happier. She looked healthy and her clothing style changed. Not a single trace of a pink shade, it was all replaced by cool toned shades, with a lot of black.

She was hiding from Landon, and didn't want to see him. However, since her appearance changed a lot, I didn't think he would recognize her even if she were to stand in front of him.

Uncle Miles, his wife, Ana, grandpa, Sophie and I had a dinner date. Hudson wanted to go with me, but his brother also graduated so I told him he should be with his family, and I would be with mine.

We chatted, ate a lot of great food and drank a lot of alcohol.

Sophie stayed with me for the weekend, and we had a lot of fun. We didn't go out as neither of us was in the mood, but we had a girls weekend. We did our nails, hair and had an appointment to have a massage.

❝So, when are you coming?❞ Sophie asked, once we were back at my home.

I shrugged my shoulders, ❝July, probably. I'll be with grandpa for the first few weeks and then I'll come to see you.❞

Sophie grinned, ❝I'll introduce you to the nightlife of Los Angeles. Trust me, it's batshit crazy.❞

I laughed and made us some iced coffee, ❝Have you met anyone interesting?❞

❝If you're referring to boys, then no. One of them sparked my interest, but we weren't on the same wavelength and we didn't take things further. However...❞ She said, with a sly grin.

❝Spill, bitch. Now.❞

❝I'm staying with my sister, right? And it was the weekend of her and her husband's anniversary. I didn't want to intrude so she booked me a really nice, expensive restaurant that had a bar in the basement. I wasn't feeling like going out so I decided to check it out.❞

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