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I DIDN'T KNOW how we ended up back at my apartment. We walked, and since it was closer than his place, it didn't take a lot of talking to decide where we would go.

My heart was beating like it never did before. I was anxious, nervous and excited all in one. The coldness I felt was long gone, replaced by feeling hot all over my body. Neither of us uttered a word whilst we walked, but it was a walk that was shorter than it usually would've been.

I tried to talk myself out of it, the thought of regret passed my mind, though briefly. There were at least six reasons to put a stop on this, reasons that would most likely come back to bite me in the ass. Somehow, regret wasn't one of them. And with that being said, I made up my mind.

The moment the door closed behind us, Hudson's mouth was on mine. It was unexpected, but in a good way. Immediately, my hands wrapped around his neck as I tried to bring him as close as possible to my body.

I could feel his laugh into the kiss, ''Easy, Erin.'' He teased, ''We have all night.''

It wasn't a sexual sentence, though I knew what he meant and it was enough to make my cheeks go red in embarrassment. I didn't mean to come off as pushy or needy, but that was out of the window the moment I felt my feet leave the ground.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. I shrieked once he squeezed my ass. Hudson remembered the way to my room and it didn't take us long to be in bed, with him on top of me.

His kisses were full of need and greed. He was gentle but I just knew that he wanted to devour me whole and that things were going to get rougher soon. I didn't mind it.

Hudson's lips tasted like the sweetest cherries in the world. The taste itself was the only addiction I needed — there was no need to tell what the kisses did to me.

I felt tingly sensations all over my body, with no indication of them ever leaving. His hands traveled down my chest, and I had no idea when or where my jacket and shirt had disappeared off to.

Hudson distanced himself a little, his palms on each side of my head as he stared down at me. I never saw such a look in a man's eyes — the insatiable gaze thrown my way was more than enough to feel comfortable.

Hudson liked what he saw and he wasn't shy to show it.

❝You're so fucking beautiful, Erin.❞ He whispered. His voice was hoarse, though the hint of embarrassment lingered. It was more than adorable to see him in that state.

I stopped playing dead, and brought his head in for another kiss. He was most definitely surprised, and it was then that I took the initiative for dominance. I managed to get him on his back, and was quick to take off my pants.

How did we end up in this predicament? My heart raced faster with each passing second and it was as if the anxiety and nervousness had vanished.

It was just the two of us there — and that was what I focused on. The man I had dreamed of having for the past months, and the boy who got with his first love. Ironic, if you asked me.

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