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My voice was hoarse, as this has been going on for the entire morning. Hudson's hands gripped my hips tightly. Even if I wanted to escape, there was no way he would allow it. Not that I wanted to, though.

He was sucking my clit, alternating between biting, sucking and licking. He set the rhythm, and just as I was about to cum, he switched to slower, more tender strokes.

❝Just let me fucking cum, for fucks sake.❞ I managed to breathe out.

I felt him chuckle against my bottom lips and then muffled words, ❝Yes, mami.❞

I gave him the look, ❝Don't do that.❞

He laughed before he decided it was time to put me out of my misery and give me what I wanted. He was eating me out for the fourth time this morning, and it was only eleven o'clock. We've been at it since eight.

I couldn't get enough of him and his body. I wanted to feel all of it, all the time. How we had so much stamina is something that would remain a mystery, but neither of us was complaining.

I came on his face multiple times and each time he sucked and took everything. It was the most erotic scene I could ever picture in my head and once I saw it, for the first time, it became permanently embedded in my mind.

❝We're not done.❞ He said, his voice low as he got me on my back.

I didn't have the time to register what was happening before he slammed into me with full force. His cock was deeply inside of me and he was twitching. I squeezed myself on him, and wanted to feel him deeper inside of me. Somehow, he was holding back from giving me everything.

❝Deeper, I want it deeper.❞ I breathed out.

He kissed me passionately, our tongues danced together as he continued, ❝Beg for it, Erin. I want to hear how badly you want it.❞

He made space between our faces, just so he could look at my face. He knew and saw how desperate and aroused I was, ❝Please, Hudson. Fuck me deeper, baby. Please.❞

He cussed under his breath and before I blinked, I was on my stomach, ass up and he was ramming his dick inside of me.

His lips came on my back and left a trail of love bites, open, wet kisses and a few teeth marks. I moaned and screamed each time he pushed his cock so deeply that I felt all the air leave my lungs.

❝Jesus Christ,❞ He said, breathlessly, ❝You're so fucking gorgeous, Erin. And you're all mine.❞ It was pride that laced his tongue and I felt an orgasm approaching.

❝Don't you dare, Erin.❞ He said, ❝Wait for me.❞

He switched positions with me on top of him. I was riding him and our lips collided. I could feel everything through the kiss – we bonded, truly. I knew then and there that there was no man alive who could come even close to Hudson and he was definitely the love of my life.

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