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max was sound asleep in her bed when she heard her mom calling her.

"MAXINE! WAKE UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN!" max's mom called from the kitchen.

max rolled around and put her pillow over her head then she remembered something, the sooner she got up and left to go to school, the sooner she could see her best friend el.

At that thought max quickly shot up out of bed and grabbed her clothes and got dressed, she put on a white t-shirt and blue jeans with holes in the knee's from falling off her skateboard all the time.

normally max could care less what she looked like, but recently she had been caring. she always shrugged it off thinking she was just changing as she got older.

max grabbed bag and threw it over her shoulder, and grabbing peace of toast on the way out, she ran into the garage to grab her bike being careful not to 'hurt' Billy's precious car.

max sat on her bike and started to petal as fast as she could while trying her best to eat the toast and steer with one hand.

max eventually reached the school and saw the four boys at the bike racks, but no sign of el.

as max biked up to the boys getting of her bike she asked where el was.

"hey guys where's el?"

"she's not here yet, she should be soon though." Mike said not taking his eyes off the road.

Lucas reached over to me and pulled me into a kiss, I felt my eyes start to water and his cold wet slimy lips against mine. I tried to kiss him back but it felt awful, like at any moment I was going to throw up. he eventually pulled away and I felt like I could breathe again, whenever I kissed him, his breathe smelt like sardines, and I just hated every part about kissing or any physical contact with him. don't get me wrong, he is my boyfriend, and I do care for him.. but I feel forced to be with him, ever since that time I kissed him at the snow ball, I just felt different, I hated every part of it, I don't even know how I talked myself into kissing him which I regret a lot.

he grabbed my hand I felt myself flinch a little, I looked up at the boys and realized will was staring at me, he did not look angry, he looked apologetic and like my whole family just got murdered kinda look. I looked back down trying to avoid eye contact with anyone, then I heard it.

a car door shut and somebody got out, I immediately turned my head to see a brunette girl. finally el was here, it felt like years since I last saw her even though I saw her the previous day at school.

Mike ran over and gave her a kiss, she looked a little annoyed and flinched a little, maybe she was just in a bad mood. finally after what felt like centuries, Mike finally released her from the kiss, and she looked towards all of us and her eyes lit up.

"MAX!!" she screamed pushing passed Mike.

I let go of Lucas hand, before it felt like a elephant was sitting in my chest, but as soon as I let go of his hand, it felt like the elephant disappeared.

el was running towards me and once she was close enough she jumped on me, I giggled a little catching her, stumbling back a little.

"I missed you so much max!!" el said wrapping her legs around my waist.

I giggled and felt my cheeks warm up.

"I missed you to el" I said hugging her tight.

I saw Mike roll his eyes and call out to el,

"come on el, let's go to class." he said giving me a death glare.

I set el down feeling like my heart had been shattered.

she sighed and looked back at him,

"oh- okay I guess so Mike.." she said letting go of me.

Mike grabbed el's hand and opened the door, as she forced a fake smile.

then Lucas then put his arm around me, and I felt myself cringe. I wanted to push his arm off and yell at him, but I did not want to hurt his feelings, since I know he really likes me and I am his girlfriend after all, but I don't like him, like that. I like someone else.. and that someone is el, my best friend.

I mean.. how can you not like her? she has gorgeous shoulder length brown hair that flaps in the wind, dark brown eyes that I can get lost in if I stare to long, she is so funny and bubbly and she really does not talk a lot, but when she is with someone she trusts, she can't stop talking. I don't get how she can love someone like mike. he is so boring, and basic, and mean. from day one I met them, he has giving me the cold shoulder. I'm part of the party now and he still hates my guts, but I mean, I'm not too crazy about him either.

I walk into my first class and will is in it. Will was a quiet boy, he had a bowl cut and brown hair, with dark brown eyes. he never talked a lot, well at least while I was around, he seemed really nice though, I felt bad because sometimes people still called him 'zombie boy' because he came back from the 'dead' but in reality he just got lost in the upside down a few years ago. every one in the party pretty much ignored him, they still talked to him, just not a lot. He seemed like a nice kid so I tried my best to be friendly.

just as the bell rang I pulled out my papers and started mindless doodling, I was not an artist, but I was pretty decent. I was doodling el's name with hearts around it and then I saw the teacher coming, and quickly scribbled it out.

it was a basic boring class, next was break and that means I get to see el which I was excited for. I looked up at the clock 10:23 am it read.

I glanced back down and realized I was done taking notes, and that's all we were really doing today. I flipped the page over to the back and drew el, god she even looked gorgeous in this drawing. I wrote EL<3 above it with a lot of hearts. I looked around and saw will staring at me, he always did that recently, it's kinda starting to freak me out.

the bell rang and I took a black pen and scribbled on the back to get rid of any evidence I liked el, if anyone found out my family would find out, and that would not end well for me.

I handed my page into the pile of papers on my teachers desk and left the classroom, I was practically sprinting to my locker when I felt someone grab my wrist and pulled me into the janitors closet.

"HEY LET GO OF ME YOU PEICE OF SHI-" I paused and calmed down after I realized it was just Will.

"holy shit Will you scared me." I said trying to catch my breath.

"hey.. um max.. we need to talk.."

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