I like you..

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"who is it??" I asked again.

el took a deep breath and then looked at me.

"it's you max.." she said shaking.

"wh-what..? you l-like me..?" I said wondering if I heard her right.

she looked down and nodded.

I immediately felt my face turn REALLY red and my stomach started doing flips and spins and it felt like 100,000 butter flies all decided to go into my stomach at once.

I looked at el and smiled, and then I felt myself lean in.

I kissed her, and she kissed back.

I put my hand on her cheek and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

the kiss lasted for a few seconds when we both pulled away.

I never felt so happy in my whole entire life, I looked into her dark brown eyes and started to smile.

"does this mean you like me too max..?" she said smiling and blushing.

I nodded, "yeah it does.." I smiled at her and gave her a hug.

"I've liked you since the day I met you el.."I said pulling away from the hug and grabbing her hand.

"r-really..?" she said looking really happy.

"yeah.." I said blushing still.

I leaned in and kissed el again, but this time it lasted longer.

we got interrupted by what sounded like someone running away from the cabin.

I got up and looked out the window.

"is hopper home?" El nervously asked me.

"no, I don't see anyone." I replied.

I walked back over to el's bed and sat down, she got closer to me and leaned on my shoulder, and I put my arm around her and she gave me a kiss on my cheek, and I felt myself smile.

"hopefully hopper is home with the food soon." el said.

"yeah I'm getting hungry." I replied.

a few minutes passed and we heard hopper come inside.

"girls!! food is here!" he called out.

we walked into the kitchen and sat down next to each other.

hopper set down the food, el got chicken nuggets, french fries, and a sprite, I got a hamburger, french fries, and a diet coke.

as hopper sat down he looked up at me.

"uh.. max.. you have some lipstick on your cheek.." he said chucking.

I quickly whipped the spot on my cheek with my thumb that he pointed to.

El looked at me and giggled, and I blushed.

"well.. what did you guys do while I was gone?" he asked teasing us.

whelp.. hopper definitely knows now.. I thought to myself.

el's face turned red, "u-uh.. nothing much.. just some truth or dare.."

"oh.. I see.. interesting." he said chuckling again and eating his burger.

me and el looked at each other and started to giggle and blush.

by the time we were done dinner it was around 8:30 pm so we decided to get into our PJ's read some Wonder Woman comics.

el went to go get changed while I stayed in the living room with hopper, he was watching tv and I was just messing around with my skateboard.

I noticed he kept glancing at me and chuckling but I just shrugged it off.

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