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I looked over and saw Mike standing in the corner of the room, he was glaring at me.

"still hate me huh?" I asked in annoyed tone.

"just because you almost got murdered tonight does not mean I'm magically going to not hate you anymore." he said crossing his arms.

"whatever." I said.

a nurse walked in and asked how I was feeling.

"I dunno.." I said.

"is she going to be okay?" el asked the nurse.

"yes your friend is going to be okay, she has a broken foot, 3 broken ribs, and a concussion. I'm surprised that's all that happened." she said.

"girlfriend.." el said trying not to cry while looking at me.

"max is my girlfriend.." el repeated.

the nurse looked confused but then smiled.

"well okay.. maybe max should get some more rest." the nurse said.

"is my mom here..?" I asked.

"what is your mothers name?" the nurse asked.

"my moms name is Susan Mayfield, is she here?" I asked again.

"sorry max, I don't think anyone by that name has came into the hospital." the nurse said in a sad tone.

"oh.. okay.." I said in a sad tone.

"I think you should all leave and let max get some rest." the nurse said.

"can I stay..?" el asked.

the nurse nodded and let her stay, but told the boys to leave.

el reached for my hand and held it while I tried to fall asleep, but every time I closed my eyes I would just see Neil or Billy's face beating the shit out of me.

about 10 minutes later the nurse walked back in with some sleeping meds and handed them to me.

"try to take these, you should fall asleep." she said also handing me a glass of water.

I took the meds, and then el took the glass of water out of my hands and set it down on the table.

the nurse left my room and I tried to close my eyes again. It definitely helped that I knew I was safe because el was right beside me holding my hand.

I started to feel my eyes get heavy after a few minutes, and el kissed my forehead.

"I'm right here, you're safe." she said.

I tried to smile before everything went to black once again.

the next day~

I woke up once again to see el asleep in the chair next to me still holding my hand.

"el..?" I said.

el opened her eyes and smiled once she saw me awake.

"hey baby.. how are you?" she asked.

"I'm good, well as good as you can be for almost being beaten to death by your own dad." I said laughing.

el smiled.

"I'm glad you are still making jokes." she said.

"wait so he didn't almost murder me?" I asked still laughing.

el laughed, and then spoke.

"the boys went home last night around 1 am. your mom is still not here either.." el said in a sad tone.

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