the apology

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the teacher walked up to my and handed me a note.

I looked at her confused and then read it, with el leaning over my shoulder also reading it.

"meet me at the basket ball courts at 12:00 pm with el. -Dustin"

I looked up at el confused.

at this point the teacher walked back to her desk and I couldn't help but wonder what good things Dustin had to possibly say to us.

"should we even go?" I asked El.

"I guess.. he deserves a 2nd chance, everyone does." She said.

"even mike and lucas?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"even them." El replied.

god I love how innocent and sweet and forgiving el is. if somebody murdered her and then somehow she came back alive she would forgive that person with open arms, vs once somebody annoys me a little bit, I'm not afraid to throw hands and never forgive them for it.

that's the difference between me and el, we've both had a lot of trauma and turned out completely different, el turned into a nice person and can never be mean to somebody now, but it just made me stone cold and I built this wall, but as soon as I met el, she broke down the wall. I've cried more times in front of her then all the times as a baby. El is the only person I trust on this planet.

El is the sweetest girl in the world, vs I can't even ask for directions without sounding like I was gonna take hostages. I try my best to be nice but it's so hard sometimes when people just annoy you and you feel like you need to punch something, and sometimes people's faces are the best option.

I don't even know how el can like me, I mean.. I have bright red ugly hair that curls up and it's so thick and messy, I have millions of ugly freckles all though out my face, and blue eyes that look like moldy bread, I stick out like a swore thumb, even though I've not been to California for 2 years, I still have tanned skin while everyone in Hawkins is as pale as a ghost.

it seemed as the whole town was best friends with each other, vs my only friends were Will Byers, and El Hopper, well el was my girlfriend so I don't know if that really counts. I looked at the clock, 8:32 am.

time skip to 12:00pm~

the bell rang to go to lunch, and we walked hand in hand up to the basket hall court.

as we got closer we saw Dustin... and Lucas..

"well isn't this a nice surprise?" I yelled as they span around facing us.

"why did you tell us to meet you guys here, you have 10 seconds go." I said.

"well uh.. we have something to say to you.." Dustin said.

it went dead silent.

Dustin turned around and hit Lucas in the chest.

"DUDE SPEAK." Dustin said whisper yelling.

Lucas let out a annoyed and frustrated sigh.

"well we wanted.. I wanted to apologize for how I acted yesterday." Lucas said looking at me.

"where's mike?" El said still holding my hand.

"he didn't want to see you guys.." Dustin said looking at our interlocked hands.

"so uh.. you guys are official huh? It's true..?" Dustin said looking back at us.

"yeah it is, and if you have a problem with our relationshi-" I said before Dustin cut me off.

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