they all know.

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TW: h0m0ph0b1c s1urs 

Lucas looked at him confused.

"no mike, she likes will?!" Lucas said turning to me and still glaring.

"no she doesn't, wanna know who she does like?" Mike repeated again.

"Eleven Jane Hopper."

"My Girlfriend." He said shoving me.

"what??? max is that true??" Lucas asked looking at me.

I stayed quiet.

"max what the hell is wrong with you??" Lucas said getting up from his chair.

I looked down at the ground trying not to cry. I had been doing that a lot recently and I hated it.

"wanna know how I know that?" mike said glaring at me.

Lucas looked at Mike.

"when el broke up with me, I decided to go to hopper's cabin to apologize and try to get her back, I pass a window and just happen to look in, and wanna know what I saw?" Mike said.

"my girlfriend and max kissing."

Lucas looked at me.

"so it's true huh max?" Lucas said looking at me

"I knew I should of never trusted you. you ruined all of our lives max. you are a piece of shit." Mike said pushing me again.

"leave her alone Mike!! el yelled at him

"no el!! she is a dumbass dyke!!" he screamed pointing at me.

"exactly. I can't believe I ever liked a piece of shit like you max." Lucas added.

"I'm sorry Lucas.." I said looking at my shoes.

"no max it's too late to apologize!" Lucas yelled.

"you're a bitch max, you stole my girlfriend." Mike said in angry tone.

"no I didn't Mike!!" I yelled.

"yeah you did. I was right to never want you in the friend group."

"and I never should of invited you." Lucas added.

I looked up at them.

"I'm sorry.." I said trying to apologize.

"no max. you're a shitty person. you fucked up all our lives moving to Hawkins in 8th grade." Mike said leaving the A.V.  room.

I looked at Lucas.

"Lucas please.. I'm sorry.." I said feeling a tear fall from my eye.

"too late max, you fucked up." he said following Mike and leaving the room.

I turned around and realized dustin had left long ago, he probably could not handle the arguing.

I sat down in the couch and el sat beside me.

"I'm sorry el.. I'm sorry all I do is cause problems and fuck up peoples life's." I said feeling myself starting to cry again.

"That's not true max, you didn't do anything but change my life for the better. before I met you I was miserable.. but now.. now I'm happy.." she said giving me a hug.

el leaned in and gave me a kiss.

I giggled and blushed.

"damn hopper, from all these kisses you are giving me I'm starting to think you have a thing for me." I giggled grabbing her hand.

"well that's good because I do.." she replied smiling.

"el? do you want to.. be my girlfriend..?"

el's face got really red, and she smiled and nodded.

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