coming out

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max tried to pay attention but kept staring at the back of el's head. she couldn't stop wondering if she was telling the truth and actually enjoyed the kiss as much as she did.

the lesson went on and the teacher was rambling about the most random stuff, about world war II and stuff like that, I did not like history, it was boring and basic.

—————————————time jump to break————————————————-

the bell rang and everyone stood up, I walked up to el. "wanna go hang out outside to avoid the boys?" I asked her hoping she would agree, and just like magic she did.

we walked to my locker and put away our books, I let el use my locker since it was a lot bigger than hers.

we were walking outside when I felt el grab my hand. I immediately blushed but tired to hide it. we sat down on a hill so we were alone and had some privacy. we were just sitting in silence enjoying each other company when she said it.


"yeah El?"

"I.. think I don't like Mike anymore.." she said looking up at me with teary eyes.

I tried my best not to grin like a idiot.

"well.. if you don't that's okay.." I said comforting her. "do you like anyone else?" I continued.

"um.. well kinda.." she said but said it sad.

"why do you seem so sad El?" I said whipping a tear from her cheek.

"b-because if I break up with Mike he would also try to kick me out of the party.. and I cannot be with the person I like.." she said picking at the grass tears still falling down her face.

"well.. is it someone in the party..?" I said hoping she would say no.

"well I don't know.. I'm really confused max.. what I feel towards this person is.. wrong.." she said while a tear fell down her face.

"hey it's not wrong, feelings are feelings, you can feel whatever you want towards to whoever you want!!" I said smiling but deep down I felt like someone took a hammer to my heart.

then El said it.

"e-even if.. it's a girl..?"

she must of noticed my cheeks get red and me smiling a lot because she started to giggle at me.

"especially if it's a girl!!" I said putting a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"d-do you like a girl..?" I said.

el nodded.

I gave el a hug and I felt her put her arms around my waist and put her chin on my shoulder.

"It is perfectly okay to like girls el.. I-I even like girls...." I said shaking.

she looked up shocked.

"r-really..?" She said smiling.

"y-yeah.. it's called lesbian.. where you have the same romantic feelings towards a girl as you would a boy.."

"oh.. is that why you broke up with Lucas?" she asked.

"u-uh.. yea.." I said feeling better now that I got it off my chest.

el smiled at me and leaned on my shoulder.

I felt my stomach do a million back flips as I put my arm around her.

"so uh el.. do you like just girls, or do you also like boys?" I asked curiously.

"oh umm.. I don't know.. I don't really like guys.. but I don't know.. maybe? what would that be..?" el asked nervously.

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