break up?

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the sub opened the note and gasped, "who wrote this??" El luckily didn't out me and nobody in the class knew, so we were safe, the sub glared and me in suspicion. "when I find out who did this, they will be sent to the principals office." she said turning back around.

I looked at El smiling and she smiled back, god how I can get lost in her dark brown eyes, I wish she was not dating that douche Mike wheeler. I hated him with all my guts, plus he did not even want me in the party, I only got invited because of Lucas because he has a crush on me. God I can't stop thinking how awkward it's going to be after I dump him, I needed someone to talk to it about, I can't talk to the boys, and el is my only girl-friend so I guess I will have to talk to her about it.

I looked at the clock, thank god it was lunch time in 5 minutes, the old lady sub (mrs washe) did obviously not learn her lesson and kept talking about her cats milkly and zoome, interesting names for cats and even more interesting cat owner.

to pass the time I just put my hands on my face and slouched in my chair and closed my eyes and thought how perfect my life would be if my mom divorced Neil, and him and billy left for good, and I was dating el. I thought about laying in el's arms and kissing her, just as I was about to give el another kiss in this fantasy world i created for myself to escape my horrible real life one, the bell rang and everyone stood up including me and el.

I gathered all of my books and then dropped one on the ground, both el and me reached for it at the same time, I looked up at el, and el did the same, but i grabbed the book before el could, and put it in my backpack.

both of us were walking down the hall, and outside where we all usually ate lunch. before the boys could notice us, I grabbed el's hand. el turned around confused.

"can we.. um talk.. alone maybe?" I asked her still hanging into her hand feeling my stomach so a million toss and turns.

"oh yeah of course max!" She said smiling.

we both walked up the hill and sat down.

we both notice our hands were still interlocked but neither did anything about it.

"I think.. I think I want to break up with Lucas.." I said looking up at her.

she.. smiled..?

"well max.. if he does not make you happy anymore, you need to tell him." she said squeezing my hand.

"I don't think he ever made me happy though el.. I just don't know how to tell him, he is in love with me.." I said a tear falling from my eye.

el got close to my face and whipped the tear away.

"it's okay max.. you have to find someone that makes you happy, and if it's not him, he just has to deal with it." she said looking at me.

I smiled, she always makes me happy. I thought to myself.

she pulled me into a hug and she wrapped her arms around me, I felt so safe and cared for in her arms..

"how about we just have lunch the two of us?" she said resting her head of my shoulder.

"sure." I said smiling like a idiot.

we stood up and walked passed the boys table into the cafeteria, i pulled out my wallet and bought us both lunch. I got a tuna sandwich and Doritos, and water, while she got a ham sandwich, a cupcake, and milk.

we walked passed the boys table once again while they called to us.

"hey where are you guys going??" Dustin yelled

Lucas started yelling my name, "MAX COME HERE!!" I ignored him, I looked back and will was giving me the same 'sorry' look and now realized he knew I was gay before I drew that stuff about el, the drawing was just there breaking point. and that's why he felt sorry for me, I always had to deal with Lucas hugging and kissing me.

then Mike stood up and followed us.

I looked at el sad "hey it's okay if you want to sit with Mike.." I said quietly.

"no!! I want to sit with you!!" She snapped back.

a felt myself blush and tried to hide it.

Mike walked up to us, "el what the hell?? why are you not sitting with us??" he said in a mean tone.

"I'm sitting with max okay Mike??"  She said staring at him.


I quietly whispered under my breath "yupp"

Mike glared at me,

"you are a bitch max, this is why I hate you, you ruined my life." he said storming away.

I thought el would get angry at me and sit with him or start crying but no, she started laughing?

I started laughing too

"why thank you, thank you very much for all that credit" I said laughing.

el took out her cupcake and took a bite and happily ate it, I looked up at her a giggled.

"you have some frosting in your face" I said pointing at her face.

"where??" She said trying to find the frosting on her face.

"your getting everyone except where the icing actually is!!" I said getting really close to her face. both of our cheeks turned red, "can you get it off?" she said looking at the grass and pulling it up.

"sure" I responded whipping it off her cheek.

el placed her hand on top of mine while it was still on her cheek, both of our faces turned really red, but something caught our attention.

it was the bell to go back inside

"ughh of course" I said in annoyed tone, took my hand of el's cheek and we walked down the grassy hill we were sitting on.

we had no other classes together so that sucked. The rest of the day was going to be so boring.

both our next break was at different times so we could not see each other again until 3:30pm.

———————————time jump to end of the day—————————————

It was 3:28 pm and I was in my last class art. I was pretty bad at not very good at drawing like previously mentioned, so I always would get D's and C's which sucked because then Neil would hit me, and my mom would do nothing about it.

finally the bell rang and i ran to her locker to grab my bag and everything else i needed. once done I ran to the front of the school hopping el would be there, and Mike would not. once i got to the bike racks I saw el and no Mike.

I ran up behind el scaring her, like el did to me in the morning.

"oh my god maxie you scared me!!" El said giggling.

I also started giggling, "so when is hop gonna be here?" I curiously asked.

"soon I hope" el responded.

both of us saw Lucas, and el grabbed my hand and dragged me to the side of the building.

"are you going to break up with Lucas soon??" el asked almost happy.

"I think I might tonight.. he does not deserve a catfish like me.." I responded.

"well what ever you decide I will be here for you max" el said trying to hide a smile.

"Thanks El" I said smiling.

they both heard hopper's car and El quickly ran up to him after saying goodbye to me.

I just realized half of this is in 3rd person I think I fixed it but I'm not sure so sorry abt that 😭

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