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el grabbed my hand and leaned on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I got us in trouble max.." el said sad.

"no no it's my fault el. I should of never suggested it in the first place." I said squeezing her hand.

I was about to kiss the top of her head when I saw a light grey car pull up. I quickly shoved el off of me and let go of her hand and stood up. I felt awful doing it, but I could not let Neil see me and her together.

he parked in the 'pickup zone' and walked towards me.


"I.. um.. I'm s-sorry s-sir.." I said stuttering.

Neil stared at me.

"your principal also told me we need to have a conversation about your behaviour at school. you've been lashing out at teachers, bulling students, SKIPPING CLASSES." Neil screamed in my face.

he looked behind me and saw el sitting on the bench.

"who is that maxine? Is that the girl you've skipped classes with?" he said staring at el.

"WHO IS THAT MAXINE?" he said grabbing my forearm and squeezing it tighter then he ever has before. my sleeve rolled up to reveal bruises and cuts from Neil and billy digging their nails into my arm when they were mad.

"h-her name is e-el.." I said slightly crying from the pain.

"oh so that is the girl you have been hanging out and spending the night at her house huh?" he said getting really close to my face.

"I um..." I said stuttering and shaking.

the principal walked out of the school and over to me and Neil, and Neil let go of my arm.

The principal looks at me.

"max are you okay? you're shaking." he asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"oh yeah she's okay." Neil interrupted.

"oh okay.. you sure max?" he said looking at me.

I looked at Neil who was giving me a death glare, and then I looked back at the principal and nodded.

the principal smiled and pulled Neil aside to talk to him.

I looked down and realized my arm was all bloody from how tight Neil was digging his nails into it.

"shit!!" I thought as I felt el tap my shoulder.

I spun around to see el.

"are you okay max?" she asked me looking worried.

"uh.. yea.. I'm fine" I said but I glanced at my arm.

she looked down and saw a bit of blood on my sleeve.

"max why do you have blood on your sleeve..?" she asked me looking really worried.

"I uhm.. I.."

"MAXINE GET IN THE CAR." Neil said pointing at the car.

I looked back at el.

"I need to go el I'm sorry.." I said starting to walk away.

she grabbed my arm.

"max. what happened to your arm?" she said with tears filling her eyes.

just then Neil walked over to us.

"maxine get in the car you are in trouble." he said grabbing my arm.

"max wait!!" el called walking after me.

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