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we both sat at the principal desk and and waited for him.

he walked into the office and asked us what happened.

"he was being rude so I shoved him." el responded confidently.

"well Jane, that is no way to treat somebody, how would you feel if someone did that to you?" the principal asked el.

"well if someone asked out my cru-" she paused and looked at him, and then at me.

"I um.. I meant if someone asked out my erm.. best friend.. and crushed her feelings I would do what I did.."

"well I see Jane. was max involved?" the principal asked us.

"nope." el responded.

"yep." I responded.

we looked at each other, "well yes and no.." I responded trying to make el agree with me.

"well I have no choice to give you both detention then." the principal responded standing up.

el tried to get me out of detention but I did not work.

the principal escorted us out of the office and told us to go have lunch.

———————————————time skip to detention————————————————

it was after school 3:35 and el had already called hopper saying she would be staying after school.

we walked to the office and sat down, the principal told us we would be cleaning the girls locker room, and he lead us there and told us to be done by 4:30.

he handed us some sponges and cleaning supplies and went back to his office.

we both decided it would be best to clean, to just get it over and done with.

———————————————-40 minutes later—————————————————

it was 4:15 pm, and we were both done cleaning the locker room, we sat down on the benches  exhausted.


"yeah max?"

"y'know you didn't have to attack poor miles just for asking me out, I could of just said no." I said giggling.

"I'm sorry max.. I just got so angry, I just saw red.. I don't know why i got so mad. if you don't want to my my friend and you want to go out with him I will understand." el said trying to not cry.

I grabbed el's hand and held it.

"woah woah el, who said I wanted to go out with him??" plus I would never ever leave you as long as I live! you are stuck with me forever." I said smiling.

el smiled back but then stopped and started to cry.

"I need to tell mike soon.. right..?" el said sniffling.

"well.. if you are not happy with mike anymore, it is okay, you need to find someone that will make you happy." I said trying my best to be supportive of my best friend, but all I could think was 'me.' I would make her happy.

el smiled at me,

"max.. I think I know who will make me happy.." she said blushing.

"oh... who?" I said feeling my eyes start to sting.

el stayed quiet.

"well.. um.." she looked up and was about to continue, the the principal burst though the door.

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