the movie disaster

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me and el we're walking down the hallway, and looked around before entering the movie theatre.

"so what movie do you want to watch?" I asked her.

"hmm what about.. ghost busters?" el asked pointing to a sign.

"sure!" I said walking into the movie theatre.

we found some empty seats in the middle row and sat down, I looked at everyone around us, and noticed somebody. It was Mike. ugh of course he had to be here, he keeps interrupting whenever me and el spent time together.

Mike looked up and noticed us, he stood up and ran so he could sit beside el. El was in a corner seat, and I was on her right.

because there was only one seat next to el, he told me to move.

"max move!!" he said.

"no! this is my seat!" I snapped back.

"you guys probably didn't even pay for your tickets, you probably had Steve sneak you in again!" he said quite loud.

a few people stop and stared, but then went back to watch to movie.

I looked around embarrassed, "look what you just did Mike, now If Steve gets fired it's your fault."

he rolled his eyes, "this would of not happened if you just let me sit beside my girlfriend!"

"well I was here first and I want to sit beside her." I whispered yelled.

"oh come on, she's MY girlfriend!! you are just being a jealous bitch!! what are you guys in 'love' or something." mike said in a mocking tone.

el looked up at him embarrassed, and flinched at little when he said 'girlfriend.'

"mike please just leave us alone.. this is supposed to be a girls day out." el said trying to calm us both down.

"fine!!" he said storming out of the movie theatre.

I looked at el and she looked really annoyed.

"why don't you just dump him already?" I asked.

"I just don't want to hurt him.. y'know?" she said in a sad tone.

"but el, how many times has he hurt you and not apologized?" I said trying my best to comfort her.

"a lot.." she replied.

"exactly, you should dump his ass!" I said excitedly.

"I think.. I might today.." she said looking at me.

"good." I said smiling and looking back at the screen, and reaching for some popcorn.

2 hours later~

the movie just ended and it was getting late, but still bright out. we grabbed our bikes and we're about to leave again.

but we heard mikes voice.


we turned around to see him.

we both sighed and walked towards him.

"what is it this time Mike??" I said in a mad tone.

"el!! hopper said that you need to sleep at my house tonight since he did not want you to be alone!!" He said reaching for her hand.

"that is so bullshit mike!!" I yelled.

"I don't know what the hell your problem is max, but I'm telling the truth!!" he snapped back at me.

"no mike that IS bullshit because I'm spending the night at el's house, and hopper has the night off work!!" I yelled.

mike looked shocked then he turned to el, "el please just spend the night at my house!! I feel like I'm loosing you and I don't want us to break u-"

"too late mike!!" I said cutting him off.

I looked at el, "do it."

"do what??" he said looking at us confused.

el got really close to his face.

"friends don't lie mike. You lied." she said in a harsh tone.

she looked back at me, and then to Mike again.

"I dump your ass."

"what?? You can't just dump me El!! We have been together since we were 12!!" he said getting really angry.

"yeah and I've been miserable since I was 12 mike!! I don't love you and I never did." she said in a sad tone.

I looked at el,

"come on el, let's go." I said grabbing her hand and walking back to our bikes.

we got on our bikes, and left the mall both giggling.

"did you see the look on his face??" I said trying not to laugh.

"yeah it was hilarious!!" el said giggling.

———————-time jump to when they got back to the cabin————————-

we got off our bikes and walked in still laughing about what happened at the mall.

"hey girls! what are you laughing about." hopper said looking at us.

"nothingg....." el said looking at me and giggling more.

"well what do you guys want for dinner?" he asked.

we both said McDonalds at the same time.

"alrighty! I will go pick it up in 5 minutes." he said turning back to the tv.

we agreed and then went to el's bedroom and sat down.

"so what should we do bab- uh I mean max.." she said embarrassed.

i blushed slightly. woah did she just almost call me babe? I thought to myself.

"wanna play truth or dare?" I suggested.

"sure!! truth or dare?" she asked smiling.

"dare!!" I replied.

"okay.. I dare you to prank call someone.." she said smirking.

"bet." I said standing up and dialling a random number.

(this was the conversation)

random person: hello?

max: hello.

random person: what do you want?

max: is your refrigerator running?

random person: what? uh yeah why?

max: okay you better go catch it then.

random person: what??

*hangs up*

I run to el's bed and jump on it giggling.

"I did the fridge joke on them!" I told her, sitting up still giggling.

we looked out the window and saw hopper leaving.

"okay el, truth or dare?"

"hmm.. truth!"

I hesitated before asking her the question I had in mind.

"if you could date anyone in the world, who would it be?" I asked looking at her praying she would say my name.

"I... um.. I don't know.." she said blushing.

"oh come on! your blushing! who are they?" I said trying to get her to tell me.

el looked up at me.

"I um... promise you won't get mad at me max..?" she said shaking.

"I promise! I would never get mad at you!" I said still hoping she would say my name.

"well um.. it's.."

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