hiding the truth

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I started to walk out of the forest that hopper's cabin was in, it was going to be kind of awkward now that hopper figured out the truth about me and el, it's not like me and el are dating, sadly, but still he saw us kissing.

I really wish me and el were a couple, maybe I will ask her on Monday, it's just that if we became official, the whole town would find out, including my "parents and brother." Plus then people would see us different and hate us, people would probably come after us and try to hurt us, it is not popular or safe to be gay in the 80's.

god, el is so lucky to have hopper as her dad, he is so supportive about everything she does, I wish I lived with him and el, then my life would be so much more simple.

I looked at my watch and noticed the time, shit it's already 10:03 pm!! Neil is going to be so mad if I come home late again, but it's like an hour walk! I wish I let hopper give me a ride home or something, but the sooner I get home, the sooner I see Neil..

I decided it would be better to get home faster and have to see Neil then come home late, so I threw down my skateboard and tried my best to ride it, even though it's raining really hard.

I was riding my board fine until I hit a pebble. the littlest rock can do the most damage sometimes. It though me off the board and I hit my head. shit, of course just my luck, I thought well my hands and knee's started to bleed a little and my head was throbbing.

I was most of the way home so I just decided to walk the rest of the way home. hopefully Neil would understand, but he probably will not.

I eventually got home, and I looked at my watch, 10:26pm. thank god I got home in time.. I hope Neil is not too mad, I thought as I unlocked the front door.

I walked in and took off my muddy shoes. I looked up and saw Neil standing in front of me.

"maxine. where the fuck have you been the last day huh?" he said in a angry tone.

"I.. uh.. on Thursday my f-friend invited me to her house to spend the night.. so I slept at her house.. we went to school today.. and I-I had dinner there.. and then you called and I came home.." I said stuttering staring at the ground.


"i-i'm sorry sir.." I said trying not to cry.

"so what's this girls name huh maxine?" he said still in a angry tone.

"i-it's el.." I said shaking.

"and you wouldn't have feelings for this girl do you maxine?" he said grabbing my wrist and squeezing it.

"n-no.. she is just a friend.." I said a tear falling from my face and trying to avoid eye contact.

"DON'T LIE TO ME MAXINE" he said slapping me across the face.

"i-i'm not l-lying.." I said starting to cry.

"good. because if I ever find out you have feelings for another girl.. I will fucking kill you maxine." he said pinning me against a wall.

"we do not allow f*ggots in this household, isn't that right maxine?" he said ready to hit me again.

"I said, isn't that right maxine?" he said squeezing my wrist again still pinning me to the wall.

"yes that is right.." I said feeling my eyes start to sting.

"good." he said letting go of me and walking to his room.

I looked over still in shock at what just happened, and saw billy lighting his cigarette staring at me from the dining room table.

I walked past him to get to my room, and he grabbed my wrist, and whispered in my ear.

"remember maxine, whatever he does to you, you deserve." he said letting go of my wrist and slightly shoving me.

I stumbled back a little bit into the fridge knocking a few magnets down, i looked at him and he looked like he had no empathy towards me at all, he looked at me like I was the worse thing to ever happened to him, he had pure hatred in his eyes whenever he looked at me. I thought older brothers were supposed to look after you and protect you, not make your life a living hell, I thought to myself after walking to my bedroom.

I entered my bedroom, and sat down on my bed and just cried. why does my step-dad have to be abusive? why does my step-brother have to hate me? why does my mom act like she loves me, but then just watch and stare when Neil hits me? why do I have to like girls? why can't I just like Lucas? why can't I just be straight? why can't I just- I paused after I heard el's voice.

"max? max are you there it's el!"

"Max? are you there?"

I looked over and realized her voice was coming from the walkie talkie. I reached for it and grabbed it, then turned it off. I felt horrible doing it, I just did not want to talk to anybody right now..

I decided I should probably take a shower and change into some dry clothes so I don't get sick from being in the storm.

I got up off my bed and tried to find some dry clothes. I reached into my closet and pulled out a over sized grey hoodie with big pockets, i realized it was not my hoodie, but it was el's. She must of left it here and my mom must of washed it and put it away.

I grabbed the hoodie and some black shorts, and walked into the bathroom and set the clothes down, and got into the shower.

a few minutes later I heard my phone ring so I got out of the shower, and got dressed. I hugged el's hoodie before putting it on, and walking into my bedroom to answer the phone.

max: hello?

el: hey max it's el!

max: oh hey el! everything okay?

el: yeah I just wanted to hear your voice before I go to bed!

max: aww that's sweet

el: but not as sweet as you

el: good night max, have a good sleep!

max: good night el sweet dreams!

*hangs up*

I felt myself blush as I hung up, wow she is really perfect I thought to myself, well i guess I better go to sleep too, I just need to dry my hair quick.

I walked to the bathroom attached to my bedroom and dried my hair with my towel, and then went to go lay down.

I pulled down my rainbow sheets, which I have no clue how Neil agreed to me getting since it symbolizes the lgbtq+ community.

I layed down in my bed while staring at the picture of my El and my night stand.

I closed my eyes and then slowly fell asleep.

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