billy knows

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"answer me." Billy said in a stone cold voice.

"AWNSER ME." he shouted at her.

el was fearless when it came to people like this. she does not understand how dangerous people could actually be.

"no!! maxie is this Billy??" el said looking up at him?

I nodded.

"let max out of your car right now!!" el said getting really close to him.

I banged at the window more.


Billy looked back at me with pure disgust In his eyes.

"what the fuck did you just call her?" Billy said loud enough for me to hear him.

I stayed quiet trying to fight back tears. I knew what he was going to do next.

he glared at el and then walked over to the drivers seat and got in.

"let me out of here billy." I said in a angry voice.

"so you are a little fag huh maxine? Is that what you are? Is that why you got so angry that dad forbade you from seeing your little dumbass girlfriend?" he said starting the car and ripping out of the parking lot.

I looked back at el and she was running back towards the mall.

at least she was safe and billy or Neil can't hurt her.. I rather they hurt me then her..

billy ripped down the road going over 100 miles an hour.

"so you're a little dyke huh maxine? A little fag?" Billy said in a really angry tone.

I just stared out the window with tears filling my eyes.

"Just wait until I tell dad about this." He said gripping the steering wheel.

"billy please, I'm your sister! If you tell him he will kill me!" I said feeling a tear roll down my cheek.

"good. maybe that's what you deserve maxine. whatever dad does to you, you deserve." Billy said glaring at me.

he was still ripping down the road 100 miles an hour so we got home pretty fast.

he unlocked the doors, and he got out of the car.

I also opened the door, and wondered if I should make a run for it or not, but if he caught me, he would kill me.

he grabbed me arm and dragged me inside the house.

"billy please!!" I said feeling tears run down my face still.

"dad are you home?" Billy called out ignoring me.

just then I saw my mom walk around the corner with a dish towel on her shoulder.

"hey billy your dad is just in the backyard, is everything okay?" My mom asked looking concerned.

"no I don't think it is Susan. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you but your daughter has some news for you." billy said looking at me and chuckling.

"is everything okay sweetheart?" she asked turning her vision to me.

"I... um..." I said shaking.

Just then Neil entered the house and walked up to us.

"dad hey, you are just in time for max's big news." billy said fake smiling.

"what?? I am supposed to be watching tv right now, I don't give two shits about this 'news' maxine." he said in a angry voice.

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