the kiss

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I woke up and looked at the clock, 7:47 am. I looked down and realized I was spooning el.

I quickly moved my arm and sat up. I was trying to remember if what happened last night was a dream or not, but my lips still taste like the watermelon chapstick that el wears, so I knew I did in fact kiss my best friend last night.

I got out of her bed and got dressed, I turned around and realized she was still asleep. I walked over and woke her up.

"hey El wake up!" I said shaking her awake.

"go away hopper let me sleep." she said sleep talking.

"el! wake up it's me max!!" I said giggling.

this time el actually woke up. she looked up at me and smiled.

"hey max good morning!" she said rubbing her eye.

she sat up and walked into the kitchen, and I followed. We sat down after saying good morning to hopper, he made us some eggos.

I had no clue if el remembered what happened last night, if she did not I did not want to make things awkward by reminding her about it. She probably did it just to be friendly, she is straight and she loves mike, I thought to myself.

el went to her room to get dressed, while I brushed my teeth. when el walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth too, I couldn't help but stare at her, she was wearing a bright yellow t-shirt tucked into her blue jean shorts. she looked absolutely gorgeous in that outfit.

I started to brush my hair while starring at her though the mirror, then hopper called us.

"GIRLS COME ON YOUR GONNA BE LATE!" hop called from the kitchen.

"YEAH ONE SECOND HOP." El yelled back from the bathroom.

el looked at me, "you ready to go max?"

"yeah ready when you are." I responded.

we both exited the bathroom, and walked into the kitchen and grabbing our shoes.

"god today is going be so awkward." I said looking at El.

"yeah.. I know, wanna just sit on the grassy hill again at lunch instead of with the boys?" el asked while getting into the car.

"y-yeah that would be awesome." I responded buckling myself in.

we drove for a bit and then we drove past Lucas house and saw his mom unpacking groceries.

"ugh I don't get how such a amazing woman can raise such rude kids." el said looking at Lucas's mom.

"ugh I know.. well Erica is not rude, just VERY sassy." I responded.

"yeah but Lucas is rude, you don't deserve that." el said grabbing my hand and holding it.

I felt myself blush. maybe she did not forgot about what happened last night..?

hopper pulled up to the school and let us out. "I will be back at 3:40 okay El? And max if you want a ride home you are more then welcome."

I smiled, hopper has always really liked me and he was very supportive of me and el's friendship. "thanks hop." I said smiling and shutting the door.

we turned around and saw mike running towards us.

"ugh of course.." she said getting ready for him to force another kiss.

mike ran towards us and gave el a big slobbery kiss. Once I saw it I felt like my heart was broken, I don't understand why him and not me. why not me?

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