Its time...

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10 minutes. 10 minutes until I had to walk down the aisle. 10 minutes until I forever become Mrs. Derek Hale. I'm excited yet nervous.

Well apparently, I got caught up in my own head because I was taken out of my thoughts by Lydia snapping her fingers in my face.

"It's time for the bridal party to walk down the aisle. You need to take your place." I nodded. The closer we get to the time, the more nervousness I get.

Papa Stilinski walked over to me me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said happily.

"Good. I'm happy for you. Stiles talks about you all the time. You have really been good to him. As well as me."

"I'm glad to be considered a sister to your son. It gives me a family again." I said.

"Well Megan, you are like my daughter so I hope I am like a father figure to you." He replied.

"Thanks. Dad." We both smiled.

"It's time. Let's go blow the socks off Derek. Shall we?" He said.

"We shall." We both laughed.

The music played. They shut the back doors of the chapel before anyone could see me. This song gets stronger each verse. At the climax of the song the doors opened dramatically. Everybody looked in awe when the saw me. Derek was in tears.

When Stilinski gave me away, Derek whispered on how beautiful I looked.

We said our vows and did all the wedding stuff. Now it's time for the reception. 

We ate first, then the cake. We did our speeches. 

Daniel's speech was different though. It wasn't his speech, it was our parents. 

"It seems that our parents had a letter for everything. Which is normal, due to a family like our's always being unpredictable, not knowing if they will be able to make it to dinner or back to us in any way. So Megan, this one is for you. 'Our sweet baby, so today you're getting married and we couldn't be there. And if we know you, we know the lucky man has been the man you've always loved. So Derek, take care our baby. If we were still there, we would of course given you our blessing. Megan, we love you and are so proud of the woman you have become. We know you will do great things and we are so sorry that we couldn't be there. We love both of you and will always be watching.' So Derek, Megan, thank you for being predictable. Because if Megan married someone else. This letter would have been very awkward to read." Daniel finishes, making everyone laugh through their tears, including me and Derek. 

Each side of the bridal party had their own little thing. Us girls danced to 'Watch me' and the boys danced to 'Ride' I laughed at that. Then it was the couples first dance. It was very romantic.

"You look absolutely stunning. I get to call you my wife. And I'm happy about that. I love you." He said.

"I love you too, my husband." I replied.

Next was the hardest part of the whole thing. The daddy daughter dance.

I danced with papa Stilinski first then apparently the guys had something planned. Daniel had letters from our parents for me just in case something ever happened.

I cried. Because all of the guys danced with me. The thing was, I asked my grandparents to come and they said they couldn't.

The very last person came to dance with me and that was Papaw...

After, it was time to go. I still have no clue where we are going.

I fell asleep, after one hour next to my wonderful husband in the car. My dream.

When I awoke, I found myself in a beautiful hotel room. To the left of me their was double doors. One was slightly open. I went out there only to see my husband standing looking at the view. I snuck up on him and hugged him from behind. He turned around so he was facing me.

"My beautiful wife is awake. Morning, my princess."

"Morning. I'm gonna go take a shower."

Derek ended up in the shower with me.

After breakfast, we walked around town to see little shops. I bought a bikini for the beach. After we were finished, it was about lunch time so we went to a local restaurant.

We are and talked about things we haven't talked about in years. I stopped.

"Meggy. What's wrong?" Derek asked, concerned.

"It's just.. Our families. They weren't here to see it. Laura and I always planned for us to be each others matrons of honor. I miss them." I said.

"Me too, honey. Me too." He said while he walked around the table and hugged me.

We went back and watched tv for am hour then we went to the beach.

It was fun we walked down the beach for a little bit then we went for a swim we had so much fun. We decided to make out honey moon for only a week because you know supernatural stuff soo.. Yeah.

We decided to sell my house so I would move into Derek's loft since he owns the whole building.

The week was over and it was time to go home. I was a little sad but happy to get back home. We for back home at around 4 that Friday. Scott and them are starting school soon and I will be educating them yes. That's right. I'm a teacher at BHHS.. Haha. It starts Wednesday.

When we got back to the loft I was surprised to see all my stuff already here.

That night we slept like babies. We were exhausted. I mean after the week we had...;)

I went to school a day before school starts to get everything set up. Of course, I put pictures on my desk. One with the bridal party, my family, 3 of me and Derek and 1 of me and Laura.

When I was finished I went home.

We have been stressed for the passed 4 months even during the wedding and honeymoon. Erica and Boyd have been missing.....

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now