**Second chance at first line

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Scott's POV

Throughout the day I have been trying to come up with an amazing apology to tell Allison for why I left the party so quickly. I waited for her outside after school, finally she walked past!

"Allison! Allison! Wait, please wait!" Finally she stopped.

"What?" She asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Listen, I'm sorry I left you stranded at the party. It's just, something came up."

"Did you have an attack or something?"

"Definitely an attack of something. So does that mean I'm forgiven?" I ask hopefully.

"Definitely yes." We heard a car horn. "We'll that's my dad. I'll see you later." She waved goodbye and walked off. Yes!! She gave me my seco..... Is that no it can't be. No, no, no!!!

I somehow got to the locker room and took off my shirt. Stiles walked up.

"Did she forgive you?" I nodded "then why don't you look happy?"

"Hunters." I state

"Hunters?" I nodd

"Her dad is the one who shot me."

"Her dad?"

"Yes! Her father!!" I snapped. We made our way out to the field.

Megan's POV

Derek and I were at the old Hale house when we heard someone running and yelling at Derek.

"DEREK!!!!!" Scott yelled "Get out here!!" He went outside while I from where I was. "Stay away from her!! She has nothing to do with it. She doesn't even know."

"Oh yeah what if she does?" Derek asked

"She doesn't?" Scott said

I just shut the rest of the conversation out while I trained more.

Scott's POV

When I was going back home, I was thinking about the scent of blood and fresh dirt pile. I did the first thing that came to mind.

Tell Stiles.

We went to the hospital to see if the scents were the same. I went into the morgue. I found the slide she was in. I opened it and smelt her. It was the same.

I found Stiles in the hallway reading a.... Menstraul system magazine? Wow Stiles. Anyway back to the task at hand.

"They're the same." I said

"That means Derek killed her. That means you can be in the game Saturday!!" Stiles exclaimed.

Derek's POV

I was at the old Hale house trying to find something, anything. I don't know what but anything that could lead me to who the alpha was or why he would be doing this. I was pulled out of my task when my phone buzzed as I got a text.

From: Meg

'Hey Der. Dinner is ready. I know you've been trying to find anything to help with finding the alpha. But food is super important. After you can go back. I'll help if you want:)'

I smile at the text. She's always been amazing at cooking so I guess it's fair. I got in my beloved car and left for the house.

When i arrived, I smelt dinner. To my knowledge, it was lasagna, garlic bread, and cheesecake.

And of course. I was right, as always.

Scott's POV

Finally Derek left. Stiles pulled up to the burnt down house. We got out the shovels from the back of stiles jeep and went to the pile of dirt. After awhile of digging and arguing, Stiles hit something. So we moved the rest of the dirt away and found a tied up sack.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now