Give it our best shot

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Later that day, Peter came over. I couldn't stay. Kali texted me. Having a pack meeting at the distillery.

I arrived and saw all of them waiting for me.

"Nice of you to join us, Megan." Deucalion greeted.

Our pack meeting was mainly about my other pack. Kali is going to go after Derek. Once it was finished, Ethan and I went to Deatons. We had to get Lydia.

I waited in the car while Ethan went to get her. He came back out no more than 2 minutes later.

The car trip was silent. It was in the middle of comfortable and awkward. Like car trips with dad... Sorry. I just wish I had more of those with my dad.
Anyway. We arrived. We came in. As soon as Derek saw me, he ran. Straight. To. Me. He hugged me and nuzzled his face into my neck. I needed a shower.

"Babe. I need to take a shower. I feel icky." I said. He let me go and nodded but he wouldn't let me go until I have him a kiss.

I was in the shower for 15 minutes. When I was finished getting dressed and my hair French braided, I went downstairs.

"Meg, we, as in you, me, and cora, are leaving tonight. Since Kali is coming after me and me being a beta." I nodded. Once we were in the car, Peter came to talk to us.

"Don't call until your at least 100 miles away." We were in a silence for about 10 seconds. "GO!!" Peter demanded.

10 minutes later, in the next town over, we heard a scream. A banshee scream.

"Lydia." All of us breathe out

This time it only took us 5 minutes to get back. With Derek and his led foot. So...

When we got back, Vultron alpha, looking dead. And.. no no no. This can't be happening. I run over to her.

"No no. Kali. No please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. Come on wake up." I cried. I was pulled away.
By Jennifer. That witch. I pull out of her grip and walk over to Derek who pulls me into a hug.

"I can't stop Deucalion without you two." She said. That's all I remember before a sharp pain began in my stomach and I fainted.

I woke up moments later in a white room. I looked around to see that I'm in the vet clinic. My stomach hurts still.

"Doc?" I call out. Deaton walks in moments later.

"Ah. Megan. You're awake." I nod. "What do you remember?" He asks

"A sharp pain in my stomach. Then everything went black." I said.

"Yes. That's what I was told. You've been out for about 4 hours. Derek is on his way. Along with the parents and kids." He said.

"Why?" Another sharp pain in my stomach.

"The baby is coming soon." He said. "Your water broke while you were out cold. It's been about 2 hours since then. So you're probably almost fully dilated." Two seconds after Deaton said that, the bell rang.

Deaton went out. I listened in.

"I need Derek and Melissa." He said. "And Cora. Melissa being the nurse, Derek being the dad and Cora helping us."

30 seconds later, the 4 walked through. They had me set up. I wasn't. I wasn't ready. to have a baby.

"I can see the head. It's coming." Melissa stated. "Megan. I'm going to need a big push. Can you do that?" Melissa said. I nodded. "Come on another one!" She said. "It's almost here!" Then the pain was gone.

"Babe. Your eyes. Calm down." Derek whispered in my ear. I instantly calmed. Derek and I just looked at each other. Until what Melissa said blew our minds.

"It's a girl!" We both whipped our head to Melissa.

"Talia Marie." we both gasped. She handed Talia to Derek.

"She's so beautiful." Derek whispered.

Next i got to hold her. She looked just like Derek. Jet black little hairs you can see. She opened here eyes when she came to my arms. They were red when they opened. Then went to Derek's green. Amazing. Cora took her. I had another sharp pain.

"There's another!" Melissa shouted.

I did it again. I pushed hard. Again and again. Until Mr. Peter Jacob was in my arms. he has chocolate colored hair and dark brown eyes. Like mine. They glowed red as well.

An hour later, every one piled in. Taking turns admiring the babies in Derek and I's arms. Until we were able to take them home. Peter offered to take Cora back to South America. She misses it and we want her to be safe. Which she will down there.

It's was 5 the next day. Derek went to the store to get more diapers and bottles. And everything. We already had cradles. Two. We got two before we thought Talia died. It was now 9 and we were exhausted. We fell asleep, twins actually in mine and Derek's bed. They were asleep but I was admiring that Derek had both babies in his arms. I couldn't let this moment go. So I took a picture. And went to sleep. Beacon hills is finally at peace.

And so am I.

Leaving isn't an option.

Not this time.

The end

Hey guys. I'm so thinking about a sequel but I'm Not sure. Any way. I think I'm going to do another book before my sequel.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now