**The Tell

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Megans POV

"Derek?" I called out..

I woke up in the back seat of his car. Really? You couldn't of made it anymore comfortable for me? After all, I am still mad at you.

"Yes? I'm right here. What do you need?" he asked. Sounding very innocent, probably knowing that I'm still mad at him.

"Where are we?" I asked

"In front of Beacon Hills Crossing Home." He said but in a different voice then before. Maybe even alittle darker. My heart dropped. I looked down. Trying to hold back the tears fighting their way out.

"This where He is. Isn't it?" I asked. Talking about the only survivor of the fire.

"Yeah. We're gonna show Scott what the Argents are capable of." He said. He got out and let me out. Scott was behind us, yelling and telling us to stop and wait. On our way in there, I broke the silence.

"I haven't seen him since that day when we got there. How is he?" I asked

"Let's let you have a look." He said.

When we entered all I could do was stare at him. Well have of him. I was zoned out. Sure I heard Scott and Derek talking in the background but he seemed to be alright, at least that half. Then Derek turned him so he faced us. A man who's been like an older brother to me my whole life, burnt on half of his face.

"Oh Peter. Oh my gosh. Derek, why...why hasn't he healed?" I didn't even realize I was crying until I said that. I turned around to look at him. He just pulled me into a hug and calmed me down.

"I don't know Meg. I don't know." He finally answered.

The next night, Derek, Scott, and I were on top of a movie rental store where the alpha attacked. The jock, Jackson, was making a scene, while the snobby girl, Lydia, was in a ambulance while looking traumatized. I saw Stiles trying to go over to Lydia but he was stopped.

"The alpha did this?" Scott asked.
Derek didn't say anything. Then we hear stiles tell about there being a dead body.

"Now you understand?" Derek asked.

"I understand he's killing people I don't understand why." Scott said. "I mean, this is standard practice right? Werewolves going around killing people."

"No." I said and thought back to what Momma Talia told us. "We are predators, but we don't have to be killers."

Derek looked at me. "You remembered what she told us?" I just nodded not wanting to talk about our families. And I knew he understood, because he didn't really want to talk about it either.

"Then why is he killing?" Scott asked understanding what I told him.

"That's what we are going to find out." Derek said then we started making our way off of the building. We aren't telling Scott what we think just yet. We aren't sure if our theory is right or not.

We were getting out of Derek's camaro at the Hale house. My car and Scott's bike is here. Derek told me we were coming here to do research and find any little thing that could help us. We got inside and Scott broke the silence.

"You know I have a life too." Scott yelled

"No you don't." Derek retaliated.

"Yes I do. I would actually have homework and would like to graduate." He yelled back.

"Would you like to do homework or not die?" Derek asked.

After that, I decided I was done so I started going upstairs and start looking. I stopped when I heard Scott yelling in pain.

"Maybe you will make it." Derek said and started walking upstairs.

Make what?

The next morning, after researching all night, we decided we would train. And exercise. While one does push-ups, the other does pull-ups. I was on the pull up pole while while was on the floor doing push-ups. We heard someone coming. So we hid. Ready for attack.

"Maybe no ones home." A man said.

"Oh, he's home. He's just not feeling very hospitable." I recognized that voice from anywhere. Kate Argent.

"Maybe he's in the backyard burying a bone." Another man said. Really. That was so lame and stupid. Wow. Learn better jokes to offend our kind.

"Really? A dog joke?" Kate asked. "If you really want to get him to come out, say something like 'to bad your sister bit it before she had her first litter' or ' to bad she howled like a b*tch when WE CUT HER IN HALF!!" She yelled the last part. I knew that was enough to set Derek off. I heard attacking and shooting. Then I heard that electricity stick thing they use and a body falling to the ground.

This one grew up in all the right places." She said giving her approval. That's pretty much all I heard from trying to block things out. But I did her about teaming up to find the alpha, no. Then about how much fun they had in the past. Derek was being sarcastic and mentioned the fire. That means he knew who did it and she then brought up their relationship or in better terms, the sex they had. That means.. Kate she.... She started the fire. Derek knew. He knew for 6 years and never told anyone I bet. Probably not even Laura.

Then I heard gun shots. I felt a hand grab mine. Instantly I knew it was Derek from the way my hand started feeling. After running a good distance away from the house, he looked back. Perfect timing.

"Kate. She did it." I said. Derek looked at me with guilt and sadness in his eyes. "You knew for 6 years but never told anyone. Even me. Why?" I asked.

"I just wanted to forget. Forget about her, our past." He responded.

"How could you forget? Or want to?" I asked. I raised my voice. "How can you forget your family? How could you forget what happened? Because I want to know. It's ingrained in my head." I had tears in my eyes. "I thought we had An understanding. We tell each other everything. We don't shut each other out!" I basically yell. "But. I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry for being so naive." I say. I'm a quieter tone. And then I run. Run away from his calls. Run away from my problems. Run away from the man I love.

I got home as quick as I could packed my things and loaded my car. I texted Scott and stiles( I got their numbers when Derek was shot).

To: Stiles and Scott.
From: Megan
'I'm sorry, but I'm leaving. This place brings back too much painful memories, and I have unfinished business. I hope we can meet up again someday.'

As soon as Beacon Hills sign was in my rear view mirror, I saw a text from both of them, so I pulled over to read them.

To: Megan
From: Stiles
'What? No you can't. Derek's going to kill me without you here, and plus you've been like a sister to me.

(Sometimes when Scott and stiles and I had movie nights because Derek was busy)

To: Megan
From: Scott
'Is it because of Derek? I'm going to kill him. He wasn't as mean to me when you were around, then he pushes you out of his life like that? I'm sorry, I'm going to miss you.'

To: Scott and Stiles
From: Megan
' yes Scott it's because of Derek. But it's ok, I have had to do this sooner or later, the unfinished business I mean. But I will be back someday. I will miss you guys SO much. Thanks for being like brothers to me.'

"Jacob where are you? You are the only family I have left." I whispered to myself.

That's when I pulled back onto the road to get out of here.

Bye Beacon Hills.

Goodbye, Derek. You'll always be my first love.


I'm crazy. Oh well. You guys know by now

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now