**Chp. 1- We meet again

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Laura called me. She wanted me to meet her in Beacon Hills. She flew, I drove. It took her about 10-12 hours to get there. It took me almost a week.

But, When I got there, she didn't answer. Every time I called, it went straight to voicemail. Which isn't normal for Laura. Especially with how pleadingly she sounded when she asked me to come back.

Something doesn't feel right..

A few weeks have gone by. I decided to move back to Beacon Hills, because during my time here. I have learned a lot. That the one who killed Laura was either A) another werewolf to gain her alpha status. Or B) a Hunter because they hunt werewolves down and kill them.

I stop in my place while walking through the preserve and I hear voices. Sound of teenagers. They are saying stuff like 'lycanthropy', 'half a body', etc. this isn't good.

I sense more than just two people. But one of the teenagers is a werewolf. I feel it. But there's a third body, another werewolf.

Something about one of the betas reminds me of someone. I can't put my finger on it. To answer your question. Laura and I gained the alpha title and power from our families. she got hers from her mom. Both of my parents were alphas because they were mates, very rare.

While i walk further to get a better sight, i see a shaggy hair boy and one with a buzz cut. They are searching for something in the leaves when the buzz cut boy gets the others attention. My attention moves int the direction he pointed.

A tall man with jet black hair and dark clothes on comes out. He looks familiar.

"What are you doing here? huh? this is private property."

This was the Hale's private prope.. that's no it can't be.

"Oh sorry man. We didn't know.we were just looking for something... forget it." He gets something out of his pocket and throws it fast to the shaggy hair boy. And he catches. He must be the werewolf.

Oh no. He saw me.

"Who are you? This is private property?" he asks

"I only know one person that would say that. But I didn't think my best friend would say that to me." I asked sarcastically/jokingly.

"Megan?" He asks surprised.

"Yeah. it's me Derek." I said. Then I ran up to hug him tightly. He hugged back just as tight.

"How have you been?" I asked.

"Oh. I've been okay... what brought you back here?" He asked.

"Laura called me a couple of weeks ago. she wanted help." I said in a sad tone at the end.

"Oh. So you know?" he asked

"Yeah. I know there is an alpha out there. I don't care who it is. I will get revenge for my best friend."

After a few minutes of silence while walking around. I decided to break the ice.

"So. Where are you staying?"

" At the house." he must be talking about the Hale house.

"I just bought a house. I have a guest bedroom. it's yours whenever you want it. Or if you need to take a shower or anything, you can stop on by." I offered, awkwardly I might add.

"That would be great." he said

"So how was New York?"

"It was different. Good I guess. A lot bigger than here. What about Kentucky?" He asked.

"As good as I could make it. That was always my favorite place before.. yeah. It was good to be there with my grandparents. It never felt complete. No matter where i went and all. I was missing a piece of me." I said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." he said

"How long are you staying?" I asked. Expecting him to go back to New York soon.

"I don't know. I mean. I want to find the truth behind Laura.. and also this new beta. I've got to help him or he will get killed. Hunters are back in town." He explained.

"Argents?" I asked and he nodded. "Great, just what we needed." I said sarcastically. "They'll never feel like they've taken enough from our kind, do they?" I ask.

"No. Because to them, we are monsters. Even though most of us aren't. They are the monsters. They kill innocents. They have a code they live by. But I don't think they follow it anymore." He said.

"No. Well. I can see a few having the law. But the eldest argent, or Kate, no. I don't." When I said Kate he tensed. "I'm sorry I should've.." i started.

"No no. It's okay." He said.

"Well. I'll let you get back to it. I'll see you around, yeah?" I asked.

"Oh uh yeah. Right. Yeah you will." He said and we departed ways.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now