The alpha Pack

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"What does it mean?" Isaac asked us when he saw a symbol on the door of the Hale House.

"Their coming." I said.

"Who?" Isaac questioned.

"An alpha pack," Peter chipped in. "And they're not just coming. They're already here."

The flashback ran through my memory over and over. That happened a couple days after Boyd and Erica went missing. The alpha pack has them somewhere. We searched before the wedding and after the honeymoon. Peter and Isaac did during it. Now Isaac is missing. And out of everything, I went to Deaton. I found out that I'm pregnant. I'm thrilled. But at this time? An alpha pack is in town! For crying out loud! But I guess this time is as good as ever because in Beacon Hills, nothing is ever normal.

"Honey.... Megan!!" Derek was trying to get my attention. I guess I was in deep thought again.

"Yes?" I asked l.

"You were sitting there not saying a word. It was kinda creepy because you were staring off into nothing." He said.

"Oh. Well I'm a thinker so obviously I was thinking about stuff. Duhh." I said. He just laughed. then he stopped. "Derek. We need to find him." I told him. He only nodded.

I got a call from. Melissa McCall. Hmm.


"Hey Megan. Um you need to come here. I already called Scott and he's here. But I tried calling Derek but he's not answering." She said.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Someone found Isaac." And with that I hung up and ran out the door. Derek on my tail because he listened in.

We sped off to the hospital. We finally got there and ran in. I found Melissa.

"Melissa!! What floor?" I asked.

"3rd. Room 204 if he isn't already in surgery." She replied.

"Surgery?" Derek questioned. He was going to talk again but I grabbed his hand and ran. Stairs would be faster since we can run faster so I pulled him up those.

We were on our way to the room when we heard fighting in the elevator. Our senses told us 2 betas and an alpha. Has to be them. We opened them up and the alpha said...

"Don't you know who you're mess with? I'm an alpha!!" He said.

"Yeah," Derek clawed his back. "So are we." then he threw him across the floor and he slid. Bye.... Ennis.

I turned around nonchalantly and said, "Shouldn't you be in school?" With a smile.

We all got back in the elevator and went down. We went to go get in Derek's car.

Now, I know what you're thinking. I know I know. I should be teaching. Well I called them and told them our honeymoon ran longer and j just got back this morning. So I start Monday. Since today is Thursday.

Anyway, we got there and Derek carried the knocked out Isaac to a table.

"You don't still live here do you?" Scott asked.

"No the county took it over," Derek replied. "but there's something here that I need. It will help the healing process." he said talking about Isaac.

"I thought he already healed." Scott said.

"Not on the inside." I chimed in. Right then, Scott got a call. From Stiles. I didn't bother listening in.

I walked over to Isaac and held his hand. Telling him everything will be alright. Derek found what he was looking for. I don't know how this was going to work so I just walked away. Knowing that Scott's about to get off the phone. Derek heard.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now