We have to...

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"Are you going keep the baby?" He asked.

"Most definitely." I said. He smiled like he was relieved. "do you not want me to?" I asked.

"No, no, no. I want to keep our child." He said. I smiled. "But we need to keep it a secret as long as we can." I nodded, knowing what he meant. The alpha pack. He finished the movie with me.

"Scott, Stiles, Daniel, and, Peter will be here tomorrow night for a pack meeting. They are finding out how to get into where Boyd and Erica are."

"Okay. Good. I can't wait. I have missed them so much." I started crying. "I hate hormones and mood swings," I cried more. Derek pulled me in a hug, laughing. "It's not funny!!!" I said.

"Sweetheart. It is. I'm sorry. But you are a funny, pregnant women." he said. That made me laugh.

Soon enough, I fell asleep right there on the couch. In his arms. I was woken up by a loud crash.

I woke up in my bed. Derek must have brought me up here last night. I got up and ran to where the noise was.

The kitchen.

Isaac and Derek were in there making breakfast. I am now laughing because Isaac dropped a pan. They turn around and looked shocked. I'm crying at how funny this is. Isaac is looking at me with a scared shocked look on his face. It's priceless. And Derek is just standing there with wide eyes.

"We didn't mean to wake you. We were going to make you breakfast in bed." Isaac said. I calmed down wiping away the tears.

"It's alright guys. I can cook." I said.

"Just because you can doesn't mean you will." Derek retorted.

"Fine. But I like my bacon so I better have enough." I glared at Isaac. He was scared. I laughed more.

I went to go sit on the couch. I turned on the television. I was going through guide and saw a show I haven't seen in forever!!!! THE WIGGLES!!! So I watched it. Thinking I will have to get used to this. Finally!! They brought me my breakfast.

"Seriously, Meggy?" Derek said. "The wiggles?" he said with an eyebrow raised.

"You'll have to get used to this." I said rubbing my belly with a weird smile on my face. He just laughed and say down beside me rubbing my belly and whispered to my baby bump.

"Your mommy's weird!" He said. I looked shocked and playfully smacked his arm.

"I am not. I just... give me my bacon." I said with a playful glare. He laughed and gave me my plate. He definitely knows me.

He made me eggs, biscuits, gravy, and obviously bacon. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. It was now 10:30. Took them long enough.

Until the others got here, I wasn't allowed to get up unless I go to the bathroom. He's making me mad. But I guess he's only trying. He's going to be a great daddy.

A few hours before the others got here, I called Derek into them room.

"Yes, my love?" He asked.

"I have names!!!" I said.

"Let's here them." He said.

"Well I have 2 for a boy but 3 for a girl." I started. "For a boy, I was thinking Peter Jacob Hale or Daniel John Hale. For a girl, I was thinking Laura Jen Hale, Talia Marie Hale, or Cora Brooke Hale." I said.

"Oh my gosh. They are all amazing. I like Peter Jacob and Laura or Talia are great. It's a hard choice you have given us, babe." He said. I just smiled.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now