To have you back... Its...

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"Cora!!!!" I yelled.

"Megan!!!" She yelled back!!

"I've missed you so much!!" I said!

"I've missed you too!" She said. "Apparently, I've missed a wedding." She said as she took my hand and pointed to my rings. "And I'm going to have a niece or nephew!!!" She said, enthusiastically. "It's good to see Derek with a ring on his finger." She joked. Haha that was a good one. We just laughed.

Derek walked in, so we both thought we would play with him. We knew exactly what to do. We both stopped laughing. We did this all the time before the fire.

"What were you guys laughing about?" He asked

"We weren't laughing?" I said even though it came out more like a question.

"Yeah right." He said. He looked at Cora.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Derek." She said.

"I don't believe you guys. You guys always did this to me." He said and walked out. We both giggled like crazy.

She went to the main room and exercised. Derek want like this but I won't stop her. She's been trapped for months in a vault. I went to go sit and read a book. I had some food to eat too.

"Stop. You're not done healing." Derek said as he walked in. I knew it.

"Yeah. Well I'm done just lying around." She said.

"Then sit." He said.

"I can't believe I got my a** thrown in a vault for four months for you." She started.

"Hey language!" I said from the couch. She looked at me with an apologetic look.

"A powerful new alpha. One of the Hales." She started again. "Do you know how good it was to hear that? To know that you were alive again?" She said. I saw hurt in Derek's eyes. "To hear that he got married?!To hear that he and his wife are starting a pack. A family! Do you know how it felt to hear that?!" She asked. The next thing Derek said broke my heart.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." He said.

I got up from my spot on the couch and went upstairs. I had done some laundry earlier today so I decided to put it away. 10 minutes later, there was fighting. I didn't want to go downstairs just yet. I listened in. It was Kali and Ennis. I felt a pain in my abdomen.


It took all of me not to go downstairs and fight. But I know Derek wouldn't want me to. They were here for what seemed like forever but was really just about 30-45 minutes. I heard my name brought up into conversation. I went downstairs.

"Ah. Megan Jones." Deucalion said from where he was seated. "Nice to see you again."

"Leave her out of this." Derek panted out. They had a pole through his abdomen. "I know you. I know what you are!" Derek said.

"You know me?" Deucalion retorted. "You don't know anything about me. I am the alpha of alphas. Apex predator of apex predators. I am death destroyer of worlds! I AM THE DEMON WOLF!!" Lightning formed when he said that, and Thunder. His sunglasses cracked. "I hate it when that happens." He took them off and started walking out.

Kali took out the pole, which made Derek fall onto his side. The alphas left. I ran to him.

"Derek!! Are you alright?" I asked. Tears formed in my eyes but I choked them back. Staying strong like I have for so long.

"I'm--I'm fine." He said. He was healing so he got up. He struggled but with the help of Cora and I, he made it. "Are you three alright?" I nodded along with Cora. Relief took over him. We sat him on the couch.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now