**Wolf moon

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I wake up just before 9 to get ready for the day. Derek will be around here at 10 to help. Which gives me time to put some shorts and a T-shirt on and throw my hair up in a messy bun. I make some pancakes and cut up some fruit and then i brew coffee.

Soon enough I hear a knock on the door. I go to open it and sure enough it was Derek.

"Good morning Meg." He greets.

"Good morning Der. Come in. I have made pancakes, coffee and cut up some fruit." I lead him into the kitchen.

"Great. Thank you." He smiles. We start eating and I explain the day.

"With your help, it shouldn't take us much longer to unpack. As it would me alone of course. Every box is in the room that it will belong in. Oh and I've been thinking. I have the master of course. But if you ever need a spare bed. I have 2 guest bedrooms with their own private bathroom so if you wanna stay here or anything. Don't hesitate. You can make one your own. I know it's not ideal staying at the hale house or even paying for a motel." I say.

"Thank you, Meg. But I don't want to be too much trouble." He said.

"Der. I bought this house in full with a little of the portion I inherited. It's paid for. There's nothing you'd have to pay. And plus. For one person. It's a huge, lonely house. 3 bedroom. 3.5 bathrooms. A living room. Dining room. Kitchen. Office. Basement. Come on." I said.

"Very compelling argument. Fine. On one condition." He says.

"Which is?" I ask.

"Wait. No two." I give him a look to carry on. "One you go on a date with me tonight." He starts.

"Deal. What's the second?" I ask.

"Well. I know how bad you want revenge for Laura's death. And the fire." He starts. And I nod. "Well. I've been hunting for the alpha who killed her. And I believe the people he's killing are connected." He says.

"Do you know how?" I ask.

"Not yet. But we can figure it out." He says.

"Well I'm in. How about you run to get your stuff and we can work on individual rooms first?" I ask.

"Alright. Sounds great. I'll be back soon." He said. And left.

I clean up breakfast and put the dishes in the dishwasher. He was back in 20 minutes.

"That was fast." I say.

"Yeah. I never really unpacked. And all I have is clothes a a few little things." He tells me.

"Okay. Follow me and you can pick a room. Oh and by the way. The washer and dryer are in a closet beside the half bathroom." I pointed to it when we passed it. He nodded. The rooms were across from each other. He took the one on the backside of the house. He went Into his room and I went into mine.

I started with my shoes. I took them into my walk in closet and set them down in the big built in shelves. Then I got my clothes that needed to be hung up out. Next we're drawers, then books, then pictures, and finally miscellaneous stuff I had. I was done with my room so I walked to Derek's. He was basically done too.

We started on the dining room getting the shelves unpacked. While unpacking and moving room to room, we talked about strategic ideas on how to capture the alpha and when he'd hit. We discussed how he's trying to lure Scott to help him kill. Which was a rite of passage into his pack.

Derek also told me how yesterday he went to watch lacrosse practice at the high school and how Scott lost control. And then after our date he went to his house and threatened him.

"We can't have him lose control and have people know. He will be hunted and killed. Then a trail will lead to us." I said.

"I know." He said. "That's why I warned him."

Soon enough. By 4, we were all done and everything looked and felt great. We both got up and got ready for our date. We both showered first. And no. Not in the same shower. It took more an hour and a half to get ready due to me drying and straightening my hair.

I decided on skinny jeans, black combat boots, a gray shirt and my leather jacket. Since Derek would probably be wearing that I wore something like that too. I get to the kitchen and Derek left. But I found a note.

'Hey Meg,

I left to go prepare some things. It won't take me long. I left right after I got ready. You were still In the shower. I'll be back soon.


Well, he should be back soon I guess. While I was waiting I unloaded the dish washer from this morning. I also took the dirty clothes from my bathroom and his and put them in the washer. Since I had nothing better to do.

I got lost in my thought while cleaning. Thinking about the future. And I couldn't see it without Derek being in it. Our kids. Our life. I couldn't help it.

"Hey I'm back. Ready to go?" Derek cut me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm ready. Just let me grab my purse." I said.

We soon walk out of the house hand in hand. Ready to go on another date.


This was really a filler chapter. It just helped with their moving relationship so I didn't have to change as much as i thought. And I added on their brainstorming for taking the alpha down and helping Scott. The next chapters will stay more the same than the last few.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now