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For the past few weeks, there has been a creature lurking around Beacon hills. Derek's pack and I along with Daniel are meeting today. This is the first time that they will meet Daniel.

Daniel and I are on our way to the hideout.

"There's no need to be nervous. Meg." I hated when people called me that. I just glared at him. "Ok. I'm sorry." He knew only one person called me that. Dad. Just thinking of that brought tears to my eyes. "Megan, I'm sorry---" I cut him off.

"No need to apologize. It's fine. That part of my life is over." I said, quietly. He nodded.

When we got there, I got out of the car fast. I still had tears in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. I guess when Derek saw me I still had tears.

"Meggy, what's wrong?" He asked, softly.

"Nothing." I said. He nodded, skeptically.

"HEY GUYS COME IN HERE PLEASE!!!" I yelled so they would hear me. They came in. Daniel was behind me. They all gathered in the room. "This is Daniel. Our newest pack member and my older brother. Please make him feel welcome." Erica was eyeing him like a piece of meat. I just rolled my eyes and carried on.

"Ok. Let's get this meeting started." Derek announced. "The creature is fast and it can paralyze people with just a swipe to the neck. Now there is a lacrosse game tonight. Knowing Scott and stiles, they will have a plan. Our plan is to get Stiles to meet us. Erica, your job is to lure or get stiles to meet us. Isaac, play in the game. Boyd, watch the game carefully. Daniel, stick with Boyd. Meggy, you'll be with me." I smirked. "Ok pack. The game starts in 3 hours go get ready and meet us there in 2 and a half. Dismissed." They all left.

"I'm gonna go get ready. Do you want to come with?" I asked Derek.

"Sure." he answered.

"Daniel, I want you to stay with Boyd. Get to know him and plan on what you'll do. I'll see you later." He nodded then went in the direction of Boyd.

Derek and I make our way to our house. We decide to shower before tonight's plan is executed.

When I got in there, I turned on my music. I don't know what it is, I just love listening to music while I'm showering. The first song Breakaway by Kelly Clarksonn. Hmm need new songs. I started singing.

Derek's POV

Man. Her voice is beautiful. I can smell her putting on her vanilla soap with here banana shampoo. Smells so good. 15 minutes later, the water turned off. I need to shower as well. So I leave to go to my bathroom.

Megan's POV

I heard the water turn on. I had my undergarments on and I was looking for clothes. I chose dark skinny jeans with a grayish-black v-neck, black combat boots. To finish it off I put a black leather jacket on the bed to put in after I did my hair. I started walking out of my room and saw Derek didn't shut his bedroom door. Around that time, Derek got out of the bathroom with everything but his shirt on. Drying his hair. I hadn't realized I was staring until...

"A picture lasts longer." He smirked out. I blushed then went back to my bathroom. I blow dried my hair then curled it. And did my make up. I then out on makeup and went out side to a fully clothed Derek(cue sad face). I put my leather jacket on. " Man. We have the same taste i see." He said. I just smiled.

It was about time for us to leave. I grabbed my phone and Derek's hand. We were out the door.

We make it to the school and send Erica to get stiles. She comes back pulling his ear.

"Hey. Stop that. That hurts him." She doesn't listen. And I growl at her. She drops her hand from his ear.

"Thank you, Megan. Glad to see that someone cares about me." He says.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now