Not going to end well

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Stiles is gaining knowledge on all of the murders happening here in town. 3 bodies have been found. Stiles found out that all were virgins. Strangled, head bashed in, and throat cut. It's called the 3 fold death. It's ancient, he explained to me. Last night, Scott called me saying that the guy from the vets office went missing. I know he's the next death.

All of this. It's making me nervous for the baby. It's been a couple days since I cried. Ennis is dead. Kali is going to come after Derek. It's no secret either. I'm at school. It's the last period of the day.

I sent Boyd and Isaac to mine and Derek's place to watch him.

We finished all of our work for the period and there is only 5 minutes left.

"Ok guys. Thanks or working hard today!! You are dismissed." I said. My students got up and left. I had the alpha twins in this class. As thy were leaving, they gave me a devilish smile.

I graded a few papers before deciding to go home. I got my stuff together and left. I put my stuff in my passenger seat, ten I went around to the driver side. I was about to get in but I was knocked out.

I woke up to being dragged, by the twins. Kali opened the loft door. Keeping me and the twins hidden.

"You know, Derek. after Ennis died, I told myself I would come an kill you wherever you stood" she started. "Then I remembered. That you surround yourself, with teenagers." She continued. "So I asked myself, what's a girl gotta do to get you alone?" I guess that's the cue that told the twins to brim me in. As soon as Derek saw me, he had fear in his eyes. "Me and you Derek. One on one. Or they tear her and your surviving baby apart." Kali challenged.

"I'm going to rip your throat out. With my teeth!" Derek growled out.

The twins grip tightened on me.

"DEREK!!" I screeched out. He was feeling whooped by Kali. I could feel the pain. Plus the pain I was going through.

10 minutes later, Boyd an Isaac darted from their spot. Ethan and Aiden let me go and Isaac got me and held me while I cried. The electricity was turned back on and the people in the water were shocked.

"TAKE HIM!!" Kali shouted at the twins.

He twins took Derek by his wrists an brought out his claws. Kali picked up boys by his shirt.

"NO!!" I yelled. Kali dropped Boyd and Derek's claws. I cried.

"No. No. No Boyd. I'm sorry." Derek choked out. "I'm so-- I'm so sorry." He cried.

"Derek. It--it's alright. The feeling. Of the full moon. It was worth it." Boyd grunted out. "Erica and I-- talked about the Lunar eclipse."

"I hope it'll make us stronger." Erica said. Kali came in. She tortured them. Erica stood up. Her eyes. Her claws. She true attacking but Kali killed her.

"It's alright, Derek." Boyd fell onto the ground.

"NO!!" I screeched. I broke out of Isaacs grasp. "BOYD!!! NO!!" I yelled. I went to Derek and cried into his shoulder. I heard Cora come and cry over Boyd's body. Stiles came over and put a hand in Derek's shoulder while the other one rubbed my back. Derek was holding me and crying into my shoulder too.

Derek and I lost another member of the pack. This isn't real.




Derek and I had to leave. We couldn't take it. We left for a few days.

We stayed at the hale house for a night. We dated in different spots in Beacon Hills for 3 days. We went to the Distillery. The one Derek, Paige, and I used to hang out.

Derek and Paige used to come here alone too.

"Is Peter ok? Did they hurt you any farther?" Derek said softly.

"No." I just replied simply. Then I broke.

"I almost lost my other baby. I-- I. I almost lost another child. How does that happen?! You have to be a bad mother for that to happen!" I said. Tears streaming down my face. "I let my babies down. I let you down!!" I cried. I fell to my knees and just let it out. Derek was right there and came down with me. He pulled me into his lap.

"You didn't let me down. I let you down. I put you and our children in dangerous positions. It's my fault." He said. "I'm not a good alpha. I let you, Talia, Erica, Boyd. Our families down. It's all my fault." he cried.

"No. Derek. No. It's not your fault. You kept telling me no. But I insisted. It's mine." I said.

"Here. How about when Peter is born, we cherish every single moment we have with him. And we won't forget Talia. We have her ultrasound." he said. I nodded.

After 3 days, we went home.

It's just Cora, Derek, and I here. At the loft.

5 more deaths have happened. While we were gone, the Darach, stiles filled me in, took a Mr. Harris, another teacher. Harris and the other teacher were all soldiers. So was the kid that was taken from the vet clinic. Then 2 doctors, from the hospital. They had Deaton, but Scott found him, The night that Boyd was killed. Now, Tara, a deputy and Mr. Westover, a history teacher. They figured out that it's now philosophers, as in teachers. So far it been Virgins, warriors, healers and now philosophers. The last one is guardians. But none have been taken like that.

It's getting out of hand.


Hey guys!! I know I promised a Lin chapter. Buuuut I'm thinking of doing the next chapter as the rest of the season..... Soo hopefully that will make up for it. I hoped you like it!!

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now