**Time to Recoop

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This is more of a filler chapter until I start on season 2.

Megan's POV.

I'm at the beach, listening to a song that I can really reflect on. 'I need a hero' by Ella Mae Bowen. It's about an hour and a half from Beacon hills. I need to think and relax. Usually, I think in the woods and relax at mind and uhh.. His spot. But right now the woods are Derek infested and truly, I'm not ready for that.

I'm just sitting her in a sun dress it's about 80 degrees, which is fine by me.

I remember coming here as a child. Splashing in the water with Jacob building sand castles with photo of my brothers. My parents laughing and taking pictures.

I get up from my chair and walk ankle deep to the water. I'm taking a walk. I see a guy that reminds me of someone. He turns around. That can't be. D.....

"Megan....Megan??" He asked. I'm in tears.

"I thought you were dead."

"Peter. He dragged me out. He told me to run and then he uhh passed out." Daniel said. I walk away. He runs after me yelling my name. I can't be around another family member. I just lost the most important one to me. I can't be around anyone anymore. They get hurt around me. He finally catches up. "Megan. Why are you running away from me?" He asked.

"Because I can't anymore." I said with tears threatening to come out. "I can't get close to anyone anymore. Everyone I'm around ends up hurt or dead."

"I'm not going to die." He said.

"I found Jacob." I blurted out.

"What? When?" He asked.

"A few weeks ago." I said.

"Where is he?" He asked

"Back in beacon hills. Wanna see him?" I asked he nodded. We drove back to beacon hills. He didn't have a car so he rode with me. He even brought along his bags. I parked where I usually do. I saw Derek talking to him. Then, he got up and left.

"Why are we here?" Daniel asked.

"I'll show you." I said while walking away. "Hey Jacob. I'm sorry it's been so long. I was at the beach mom and daddy used to take us as kids. and I found someone there." I said before Daniel came to my side.

"Wha.... What happened to Jacob?" Daniel asked.

"He was killed about a month ago. By the alpha. By Peter Hale." I said.

"No... No Peter wasn't like that. He... He saved me and... He just couldn't do that."

"Trust me. He can. He killed Laura about 3 months ago. About a month ago he killed Kate Argent. That's probably the only good thing he did. He manipulated Derek into siding with him because killing Laura was apparently and 'accident'." I said.

"I thought it was." I turned around and saw Derek.

"Why would you think that it was an accident that he killed her?" I snapped. He was about to speak, but I cut him off. "You know what? I don't care at this point. I found Daniel. I need to find a way to keep him safe." I took Daniels hand and led him to the car and then I stopped. "I know what you're going to do. And your going to end up like Peter. You're going to turn every maladjusted teenager in this town to have power. Power doesn't last long, Derek. Not if you treat it like Peter did and how you will." I walked off, with Daniel in tow.

I got back to my house.

"Daniel, I can't and won't get close to anyone. So, please give me space. You can live here. Just don't get in my way." I said.

"It's ok." He said. "Just one question. Can I become apart of your pack?" He showed me his blue eyes. I wasn't surprised. He does have anger issues. I nodded, then went to my room.

Derek's POV

She's right. I will turn teenagers for power. And she's probably right about me going to end up like Peter. But she doesn't know what's coming. I need a pack or Beacon hills will be in danger.

But she's right about everything. I hear her when she talks to Jacob. But I'm not letting that stop me. I will get her back.

Even if it's the end of me.

Even then.

Megan's POV

Derek's stuff is still here. I'm not the kind of person to kick him out. Obviously. But I know when and how to avoid him.

This is shorter than the others. I sorry:(

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now