Don't leave us.

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Cora's in the hospital. Aiden put her in here.

Derek and I are at the hospital. I was pacing around while Derek was in the chair beside her.

"D-Derek?" Cora is awake. She looked at me. "Megan?" Derek was the first to speak.

"Hey. Hey. We're here. And we're not leaving you." He said. I came over.

"Not again." I said. She smiled. And soon enough she was back to sleep.

"I texted Peter. He's going to come watch her. We need to go back to the loft and get some things." Derek told me. I nodded.

10 minutes later, Peter arrived. We exchanged a few words. Then we left for the the loft.

We arrived at the loft when Scott and Stiles came running through the door.

"Jennifer. She took my dad." Stiles said out of breath.

"What?" I said. Jennifer And I were becoming good friends.

"She's the Darach. We saw her with a garat holding it around Lydia's throat. You have to believe us, Megan." Scott said desperately.

"She's coming. Go hide." Derek said.

"Megan?! Derek??" Jennifer called out.

"We're right here." Derek said. She ran to us and gave me a hug.

"I had to come here. Before they did." She said out of breath.

"Who?" I asked.

"Scott, Stiles. They're going to tell you stuff you can't believe. Ok. You have to trust me. You trust me." She said. We nodded. She kissed Derek. Oh no.

I got in the middle of this. I pushed her away.

"I'm so sorry, Megan. I don't know what came over me." she said. My eyes turned red. "They're already here. Aren't they?" As soon as she said that, they came in. They being Scott and Stiles. "You believe them?" She asked.

"Where's my dad?" Stiles asked, his voice cracking a little.

"I--I don't know." She stuttered.

"Tell them why you tried to kill Lydia." Scott said.

"Lydia Martin? I know nothing about that!" Jennifer said.

"Then what do you know?" Derek asked, sternly.

"I know for whatever misguided reason, these kids are filling your head with an absurd story." She said. "One they can't prove by the way."

"What if we can?" Scott pulled out a small jar.

"What is that?" She asked.

"My boss told me its a poison and a cure." He started opening it. "You can use it and it can or used against you."

"Mistletoe?" She asked. Scott threw it on her. Her true identity showed. She was the Darach. She was out of breath.

She tried running. Derek caught her by the throat.

"What are you?" I said through gritted teeth.

"The only person who can save Cora." Derek's squeeze tightened.

"Derek." I said. She turned trying to look at Stiles.

"Stilinski. You'll never find him." She said.

"Derek. Derek let her go!" Stiles tried.

"Cora. She'll die with out me. I'm the only one who can save her." She said.

"Derek. Derek. Let her go. Think of Cora." I said and touched his arm. He let her go.

"That's right. You need me." She looked at Scott. "All of you."

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now