**Where?/ formality

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Megan's POV

When I woke up, I was chained to the wall next to Derek on my left and Jacob on my right. Fighting. Fighting about... Me?

"Guys. Shut up. Your giving me a head ache." I complained.

"Sorry MJ." Jacob apologized. I smiled to him

"Yeah sorry Meggy." Derek apologized as well. I just glared at him. "What?"

"So, you teamed up with the Alpha. Why? He killed Laura!!" I was mad.

"It was an accident. It happens" he said quietly.

"So he just accidentally killed Laura. Peter just 'accidently' killed his niece? No he didn't. He wanted power. An excuse was to kill the people who were responsible for the fire." I said then turned away.

"Meggy." Derek said.

No answer.


No answer.

All I heard was whimpering.

"I want to reject my mate. How do I do that, Jacob?" I asked him.

"MJ, are you sure?" I nodded. "Well, just concentrate and try to break your bond. Focus and just want it to happen and it will." He said.

I was focusing and I almost did it, then I heard a howl. Scott's. I howled back.

An hour later, a man came in.

"My fist started hurting, so I brought a little help." Little did he know, so did we. He came at me with the bat, but they didn't know one thing.

I caught the bat. "So did we." Then, Scott was in the doorway, I punched the man and knocked him out. Scott didn't help us out immediately. He was arguing with Derek about taking the alpha down to be normal again. Also to help keep Allison safe. To be honest, I met her and liked her. She didn't know about our kind so she was alright.

I spoke up, "I'll help you. After all I am an alpha." He let me and Jacob go. We started walking out, but I was too nice to leave someone there when they're close to death. I stopped. "Guys. We can't leave him here." I unlocked his chains, then walked away fast enough so he wouldn't catch me.

When we got out something felt too easy for this. Derek brought it up then Scott and him were bickering. Then an arrow hit me in the shoulder, Derek in the leg, then I heard flash bolt. "COVER YOUR EYES!!" I yelled. I threw Scott toward the house when I saw Kate and Allison? I took the arrow out of me then Derek, picked him up until I fell and felt my back right beside my spine. And then I fell. I heard a gun shot and a body fell next to me. Derek. I felt it hurting And I couldn't hear anything. But it's starting to come back.

"Put the gun down." Then I heard an explosion.  A gunshot to a tree near us. "Before I put you down." Argent, Chris Argent.

I heard the door creaking open.

"What is that?" Allison asked

"The alpha." Scott said.

Before I knew everyone was on the ground except for Kate. Then I saw Peter behind her. He grabbed her wrist and broke her arm and through into the Hale house. Allison followed. In 2 minutes, I saw blood splatter on a window. That was my que to go in. Scott and Derek and Jacob behind me. Next thing I know is I'm outside on the ground with Scott beside me and Jacob on the other side. Jacob was bleeding. Very bad. His chest. I scrambled to him.

"Jacob? JACOB?" I screeched.

"Hey MJ. It's ok. I'm fine. It's fine. Ok? I got to see my favorite sister that I haven't seen in 8 years. But now, it's time for me to join the family ok? The work I have been doing for 5 years is done." I was sobbing. "MJ. I see mom and dad. And the Hales someone's missing. But it's ok. I get to see them. Don't cry for me, please. Ok? I'll watch over you. I'll be your guardian angel. Alright? Wait, I forgot. Kate tricked me by making me kill an innocent. A man. I actually knew him, but she made me think horrible thi... I can't feel my legs or arms. I'm going to miss you. Love you sis." Then he closed his eyes and his heart stopped completely.

What I didn't notice was Scott was fighting the alpha and his arm was on fire. Then out of no where, a beaker full of acid hit the alpha in the stomach and he went up in flames. He went after Allison, so Scott kicked him in the chest and help fell backward and fell into the forest line. I went up to him Derek behind me.

"You killed Laura, now Jacob? You're a monster.?One was your niece and the other was like a brother to you. How could you?" Derek got right on top of him. Scott was yelling at him to not kill him because of Allison's family and that he needs the cure. Which is dumb. There is no cure.

"You've already decided. I CAN SMELL IT ON YOU!!!" Peter growled then Derek slashed his throat. I was horrified. Derek turned around and said In A different voice, "I'm the alpha now." I turned and started walking away. Before I felt a hand grab mine. "Meg. Megan please stop. Please. You can't do this to us. I--I love you." He pleaded.

I turned around to meet his gaze. "I can't do this anymore, Derek. He was the only one I had left, and--- and he's gone." I sobbed.

"You have me." Derek said.

"That was the last of my family. And like you said you wanted to forget your past."

"Are you leaving me? Again?" Derek asked.

" No. But I can't trust you anymore. I'm sorry. But Derek, I'm going to be like you. Walls up to everyone. Even you. I lost my favorite family member, my number one. And now he's gone. I--I think I need space and time. But maybe one day. Maybe." Then I took Jacobs body Put him in my car and gave him a proper burial.

2 weeks later

I still live in Beacon Hills. I visit Jacob every other day. I give him all my problems. The reason I stayed here is because he's here, my favorite brother. Also, because this was probably just the beginning of supernatural problems in Beacon Hills.

"I don't know if I'll be able to trust Derek again. If he thought that what Peter did to Laura was an accident, how will I be sure that he won't make an 'accident' himself." I told Jacob. "But what I do know is you're here, with me. I can feel you. Thank you for being such a great big brother to me. I love and miss you. See you Thursday." I said then left. I saw Derek in the tree line but didn't stop.

Just like Derek, My walls are back up, but this time, no one can break them. No one.

Hey. S1 done. That's cool

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now