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Megan's POV

I still don't know whether to trust Derek. About a week or two ago, he gave Jackson the bite., Lydia went missing after being hospitalized by the bite peter gave her before Derek killed him.

Right now, I'm running through the woods because I know about Gerard Argent being back.

I've been following this omega for about 20 minutes now but he soon was trapped from a tree hanging by his hands. No doubt it was put up by there by an Argent.

I'm hidden behind a tree. I'm listening into Gerard's and Chris Argents conversation when I'm distracted by two other people hidden behind another tree. Scott. And Derek.

We lock eye contact. He looks tired.

I finally break eye contact to see that the argents are gone. And so is the body of the omega. That they cut in half.

I hear Derek and Scott approaching and before Derek can stop me. I run.

A few days later

Scott's POV

Lydia is safe and sound. She was found naked. And stiles was being stiles but Derek has turned Isaac, then he demands Stiles and I to meet him at this place for no reason.

"Derek, are you here?" I called out. I heard him walking toward us. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Megan. I want you guys to hear me out about this." He said. We nodded in agreement. "I know I have been mean and everything bad, but I promise I love her. When our families died, I didn't want to do anything. My life was ripped away from me. But Megan, she made me want to keep going she made me have the hope of being able to see her one day again, when we went our separate ways. I love her. I need your guys' help, to win her back. I need her. She... She's my mate. My heart, my soul. My life. Just help me. Please. I know I have done bad to you guys before, but I need her back." He confessed. I felt bad for him.

"I will help." I looked at Stiles. "Will you?" I asked him.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah I'll help. Oh and Derek, I know she loves you too. She still does, but she is scared." Stiles said. Derek nodded.

"If you tell anyone what I just said, you both are dead." Derek threatened. I stopped my phone recording. He heard it too. "Scott, wha-what are you going to do with that?" He asked nervously.

"I'm going to let her hear this. I don't think she'll just take my word for it." He nodded skeptically in response.

Megan's POV

I was at home. Cleaning up, thinking about Derek then the doorbell rand. I recognized the scents.

Scott and Stiles.

"Hey boys." I said as soon as I opened the door... To two creepy looking faces on my brothers.

"Siesta sista!!" Stiles yelled. I laughed.

"So what's it today boys? Movies? Games? Food?" I asked.

"Stiles will take the last one, but actually we are here to talk." I was confused, but I let him in and we sat at the kitchen table.

"Ok so what do y'all want to talk about?" I asked.

"Derek." Scott said I was about to speak up but Scott cut me off. "He wanted us to meet up with him and we did and well, I recorded the conversation." He took out his phone and played it. When it was finished I was in tears. "He loves you. More than anything, Megan. And I know you love him too. I can't believe I'm saying this, but go talk to him. He could and would never hurt you. I promise." He said then he and Stiles left.

"I'll think about it." I whispered.

Scott's POV

The next day at school we just got out of gym. A girl named Erica was just sent to the hospital because she's epileptic and had a seizure while climbing a rock wall. Now, we are at lunch and stiles and I were talking until everybody's attention went to the door to see...

"What in holy hell is that?" Lydia interrupted.

"Erica." I said then I ran after her, stiles by my side, and saw her get into a black camaro. Derek's black camaro. "What about Megan." He shrugged then left.

And he wanted our help.

Derek's POV

"Who's Megan?" Erica asked with jealousness in her voice.

"You'll meet her soon I hope." I said.

The next day.

I'm at an ice rink in the shadows with Erica and Isaac seeing and hearing Scott talk about me to Boyd and saying how he could find better friends then me.

"Ouch, Scott that really hurt. If you're going to talk to me at least take a sensus on me. Erica how has life been since we've met?" I asked.

"In a word, transformative." She said.

"Isaac?" I asked

"Well I'm pretty bummed about being a fugitive but other than that, I'm great." He said. I motioned them to go after him.

"Wait this isn't a fair fight." Scott said.

"Then go home, Scott." I said. He crouched down and punched the ice, looked back up in wolf form.

"I meant fair for them." He said.

Let's just say I need to teach them how to fight. This is painful to watch. When they were beaten by Scott, it was my turn.

I won.

The next day

Meagan's POV

I was on my way to Derek's hideout to talk to him. I have been thinking about what Scott and Stiles said and what the recording said.

I was on my way in, I was walking down the steps to only Derek making out with I'm guessing Erica, the new beta. Unbelievable.

Then he throws her off. I gasp. I thought he loved me. He looks over to me. Wow.

"So. You love me huh? Yeah. Right." I said then started walking away. Catching Erica smirk my way. I flashed my eyes. That made her stop.

"Megan. Meg. Wait. Please." I stopped turned around and

"What?" I snapped.

"She... She came onto me. I promise. I told them to do something unexpected and she did that. Please believe me. I love you, Megan. Please." He said. I looked at Boyd on the steps. He nodded, then Isaac, he nodded too. I don't dare look at Erica.

"Ok. I believe you. But I want to talk alone."

We went to the park we went to when we found eachother again.

"I forgive you about the Erica thing, I sorta jumped into conclusions. I'm sorry. and I forgive you about everything in the past. I have thought about it a lot lately and realized something." He looked up, "I can't be with out you. I love you too." He smiled and hugged me. We pulled away from the hug. He kissed me. Gosh have I missed this. We went back to the hideout.

"Guys, this is Megan. She is my mate. That means she's your alpha too. So she will be in on everything." He said. Isaac and Boyd smiled. Erica rolled her eyes and walked away. "Erica, get back in here!!!" Derek used his alpha voice. She came back in. "You will respect her. She is now your luna. Mine too. She is above me in power."

"Ok guys. Nice to meet you, but I have to go home. Oh, and Derek. Daniel is my beta. My can meet him tomorrow." I said then left.

Derek's POV

"She seems nice." Isaac commented. I smiled but quickly hid it. Boyd nodded in agreement.

" Good. Because she is my world." I said. Then went into my train car.

Megan's POV

Little did they know I heard them. I love Derek and he's my world too. I couldn't see my life without him.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now