**The tell pt 2

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Derek's POV

What have I done? I pushed her over the edge. I should of told her all along. Now she's gone.

Why didn't I tell her? She would of understood why it was hard to talk about. Man, I'm the worst boyfrie.... I guess ex now ever. The farther she gets way the sadder and more depressed I become. I wish she was still here.

"DEREK? What the hell is wrong with you? What did you do to Megan? She's gone. Her house is empty. She texted both of us," he pointed to stiles "that she had to go and she had unfinished business." Wait, what?

"Did she tell you her unfinished business?" I asked. He shook his head 'no'. Oh crap. I know what she's doing. "She's going to find him. She's going to find her brother, Jacob. He is very dangerous. He is a rouge werewolf. An omega. One in the same. He was in jail for awhile, but she told me she called one day and they said he was let go. She's always wanted to find him. He was in jail during the fire. He probably doesn't know."

Megan's POV

I'm in the town he was arrested in Kentucky. I was going around town asking when I got anything there, I went to the police station.

"Hi. I need to ask about a Jacob Jones. He was arrested but then he was let go 2 years later." I asked the desk officer.

"I need to ask who is asking about him" she said.

"I'm his sister-" I was cut off.

"Megan. Or as he liked to say you MJ." That's what he used to call me. How does she know. I was about to ask her when she cut me off again. "He always told me about you when we were playin cards. He never got any visitors, so when I was off work I came in to visit him. Why didn't you come visit?"

"Well, when I found out he was arrested here, I couldn't come, that was 2 years ago, when I was 14. My parents said I couldn't because I was too young. Then The next year my family was in a house fire. I came back to Kentucky that year. I called him everyday until one day they said he was let go," I said with tears in my eyes.

"He said he wanted to find you when he got out. He loves you very much. He said that you were really the only one in your family to show compassion to him." I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"My other brother, Daniel, did sometimes but not very. When Jacob moved out to come to The University of Kentucky eight hears ago, I was completely torn to pieces. I was closest to him than anybody. But my best friend got me through it. Then one say my dad got a call that he was in jail. He never told me what for." I said with more years coming out.

"Well I hope you find him. Here's my number if you need anything." She handed me her number and I gave her mine.

"Thank you so much for everything." I said she nodded and I left. To my grandparents house.

When I arrived I saw an unfamiliar car. I got out and went in.

Derek POV

Scott, Stiles, and I have tried to call her multiple times. I called her again no answer. Scott called her, she answered

'Hey Scotty boy. What's up?' She said over the phone

'Just here with Stiles. You?' He said while looking at me.

'Oh, I'm on the road. Doing my unfinished business. At least tryin to.'

'Well after you texted you texted us, we went to see Derek and he is really torn up about this. When do you plan on getting back?' Scott asked. I see what he's doing.

'Scott, I know you are there with him and I know he is listening. So let him hear this:
I am very upset too in more ways than one. You kept things from me that you should have been honest with. I have to find Jacob and get answers. He's all I have left.'

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now