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Megan's POV

Derek and Paige are out, Again; But it's okay, I'm use to it.

"What?!" I asked Laura

"Ennis, an alpha, bit her and Peter said she isn't taking the bite. She's dying in his arms. they are at that root cellar we used to play at as kids." Laura said sadly. I started crying. I knew how Derek felt about her. And she was my friend too. Laura hugged me and told me comforting things.

1 year later

So for the past month Derek has been dating a older girl named Kate. There is something about her that makes me feel uneasy.

I was hanging out with Laura studying and stuff when Derek walked in. we had this fight about Kate and we haven't talked since. We just looked at eachother. I could sense his sadness.

"Well Laura, I think I'm going to head home. it's getting late. Text you later."

"Okay see ya later." She said and I left.

On my walk home, I got a text from Laura.

'Derek told me why he was upset. He said that Kate broke up with him~Laura'

I was sad for Derek. But a feeling of happiness came over me.

The next day we, Laura, Derek, and me, were at school when we were called to the principals office.

"I'm sorry to inform you that a house fire started at the Hale house. Both the Hales and Jones' family were trapped" he said

We rushed to the car as fast as our werewolf speed could take us.

When we got out there, we saw all of the emergency vehicles there. The only person we saw that we recognized was Peter. Half of his face was burnt.

During the next week we went our separate ways. I went to a small town in Kentucky. Laura and Derek went to New York. They still keep touch with us, Laura more than Derek. But he still contacts me. Which makes me happy. Maybe we will meet again someday. only time will tell.


I miss Derek.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now