**Chp. 3- catching up

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(Megan's new house above)

The next day, I run into Derek on my run.

"Oh uh. Hey Meg. What are you doing?" He asks. I look up and down.

"Uhhh well. I'm going on a run. What about you?" I ask.

"Oh right. And I'm just searching for clues. As to where or how or what killed Laura." He said.

"Oh. Have oh found anything?" I asked.

"No. Not yet. But. I gotta keep going. And I'm gonna check on the new beta, Scot McCall. But um. Do you want to have dinner tonight to maybe catch up?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, sounds great." I tell him with a smile.

"Great. I'll pick you up say 8?" I nod my head. "Great see you then!" He said. We hugged but this felt different. A good different.

On my way back home, I think about what tonight meant for him. I mean. It's not secret that I had been in love with him before I knew what Love was. I guess maybe just for him it was t only catch up. But maybe my feelings are still there. I mean. That's absurd. It's been 6 years since we have seen each other. Maybe I'm getting worked up for nothing.

I get home and shower.

After my shower. I decide to unpack more boxes to I can get that finished. While going through the boxes. I found a lot of stuff I forgot about. Some of my parents things I put on the shelf that I always loved as a kid.

I get to a picture box and she so many old pictures. Me with all my siblings, and parents, some with the Hales. It feels so weird. Still. 6 years without them and it's still an open wound for me. I lost everyone. My parents. One of my brothers. My whole second family. It's crazy how fast something can change.

Before I know it it 6:30 and I need to start getting ready.

I decide that since I didn't blow dry my hair and it was messy, that I'll just put it in a bun with a cute headband.

Clothes were always hard for me to pick. Especially always with Derek. I was always so strategic when it came to him. What would get his attention the most. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore.

I mean. I'm not the same Megan that he knew and I know he's definitely not the same Derek. I could tell. I mean even though he still trusted me, I could tell he was holding back. But I was too I guess if I think about it.

I finally decide on a cute dress that was like a button up shirt like the blue jean material almost, maroon leggings, with tan heel booties, and a scarf to tie it together.

I guess this will have to do.

I decide on make up will be simple. Concealer, powder, very little eyeshadow but still enough to make them noticeable, mascara obviously and a dark nude lipstick.

By the time I was done, it was only 7:30. I decided to pass the time by unpacking the bathroom the rest of the way. I just put the rest of my beauty products in my drawers, cabinets and some on the shelves. To make it look neat at least. I put my curling irons, straighteners, and things of that sort in a deep drawer.

It truly didn't take long putting everything up because it was just my stuff and since things alike were packed together I could just empty boxes into drawers. Neatly of course.

I am waiting to put towels and such away so I can wash them first, due to being packed and mailed from Kentucky. Better safe than sorry.

Before I knew it, there was a knock on my door. I walked down the hall to the front of the house. I opened the door to see a freshly showered, cut Derek holding flowers. Before he said anything, he took my appearance in and mouthed a 'wow' which made me blush a little.

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now