Chapter Eleven

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When I woke up the next morning I was happy, actually happy. I still had that giddy feeling in my chest from last night.

The memories of last night flooded my mind as I got ready for school. Luke was adorable. He made me feel as if I was worth something. Their whole group did.

I don't know why I avoided them for so long. I ran my fingers through my hair, ruffling it, before letting out a sigh of frustration.

I grabbed my book bag then jogged downstairs, grabbing my breakfast on the way as well.

"Bye mum!" I didn't give her time to answer before rushing out the door, only to get met by raindrops. I didn't have time to stop and grab an umbrella so I just ran to my car; using my bag as a umbrella.

I squealed, jumping into my car and slamming the door. Thunder erupted in the sky causing me to jump slightly. I sighed before turning my car on and pulling out of my driveway.


"C'mon, it won't be that bad." Luke told Casey and I. We've barely started our project, who knows when we will actually start it though, seeing as though we are a group of procrastinators. Casey and I looked at each other, me rolling my eyes at Luke.

"It's going to take forever." I told him, leaning my head on my fist. He groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance.

"We'll get it done Rosie."

"Whatever." I mumbled "Class is almost over anyway."

Right as I said that the bell rang, Luke and I jumping out of our seats at the same time. He grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together then we walked out of the classroom.

"You wanna come over to my house and watch a movie?" I asked him. He smiled, nodding.

"Actually can I ride home with you? Grace and I took one car together to school today and Marlee's going home with her and I don't want to hear their girl talk."

"You want to hear my girl talk though?" I asked him sarcastically with my eyebrow raised. He chuckled.

"It's fine when you girl talk, I actually like your voice." He kissed my cheek. I stuck my tongue out at him, rubbing my cheek and acting disgusted.


"You love it."

"Whatever Lucas, let's go." He laughed and started to swing our hands back and forth. When we walked outside it was still raining, pretty hard. I squealed and pulled my hand away from Luke's which made him frown.

"Rose." I turned around only to be lifted up by him. He held me bridal style and I squealed, what's up with me and all this damn squealing today?

"Luke, put me the fuck down." He shook his head before running sown the steps as if I wasn't in his arms. He ran in the opposite direction my car was in.



"You're running the wrong way, my car is over there."

"I knew that."

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