Chapter Twelve

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I love going to Rose's house. Every time we were there we did something really fun. I was soaking wet from the rain, my clothes clung tightly to my skin.

We ran inside. Rose laughed as soon as we got inside causing me to smile. Her hair was sticking to her face, her clothes like mine.

"Hey Rosie." I turned around to see her mum.

"Oh, hey Luke." I smiled at her then looked at Rose who grabbed my hand. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion as she smiled brightly at her mum.

"We'll be in my room." Before her mum could reply she ran upstairs, dragging me behind her. I chuckled, when she tripped over a blanket in the middle of her room.

She narrowed her eyes at me, sticking her tongue out. I rose my eyebrow at her and lifted up my hand.

"Do you want to be tickled, Rosie?" I taunted. When she didn't answer I slowly inched towards her then started to tickle her side.

She screeched and started kicking her legs at me. To avoid her legs i straddled her waist, still tickling her sides. Some of her lilac hair covered her face as she trashed around.

"Lucas, stop!" She screamed. I shook my head which made her yell louder.

"Okay, okay. You've had enough." I told her, moving my hands away from her sides, but i stayed where I was in her waist.

We looked in each other's eyes, her cheeks slightly pink. I smirked before inching towards her lips. We haven't even kissed yet, I wandered why we haven't. But I mean, it's not like we're dating, yet.

Right before my lips crashed onto hers I stopped, her minty breath fanning onto my face. Her breathing was still heavy which made me smile lightly.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked. Her eyes flickered to my lips and she nodded. I didn't hesitate to crash my lips into hers.

Her lips were soft and sweet, probably that lipstick she always wears. Our lips moved in sync and I started to lift myself off of her, still laying on top of her but not to where I was crushing her.

Her arms snaked around my neck and into my hair where she tugged softly. I let out a small moan against her lips and then pulled away. Our breaths were ragged, and I touched my forehead to hers.

We snapped our heads up when we heard a click, her pushing me off of her which caused me to fall onto the floor with a thump. Her mum stood at the door, a camera in her hands.

"Got it." She told us, a proud smile on your face. Rose sat up and ran her hand through her hair, a scowl on her face.

"Dammit mum, how long have you been there?!" Her mum chuckled, her eyes on me.

"Since the middle of the tickle fight." I felt my cheeks go red when she said that. Wait, since when do I blush, dammit.

"This is a keeper." Her mum smiled at us and threw the Polaroid picture at us. I stood up and grabbed the picture and examined it.

I was on top of her, we were looking into each other's eyes and our foreheads were touching. A smile made its way onto my face and I turned to a embarrassed Rose.

"I'm keeping this." She snatched it from my hands, her cheeks turning a darker red when she looked at it.

I walked over, taking the picture from her hands and setting it onto her bed then putting my hands on her waist. It wasn't until now I noticed how small she was compared to me, the top of her head only going to my chin.

I pecked her lips causing her to wrap her arms around my neck. I smiled at her.

"You're cute." She mumbled, kissing the bottom of my chin. Then an idea popped into my head.

"Let's play in the rain!" I suggested, but she frowned.

"I hate the rain." She mumbled. I laughed and laced our fingers together, something I liked to do.

"I'll let you wear my hoodie?" She rose her eyebrows.


"Yep." I said, popping the p. She chuckled and pulled her hand away from mine.

"Give me it then and let's go play in the damn rain." I cheered, slipping out of my hoodie and handing it to her which she slipped over her head with ease.


"I change my mind, it looks cold-" I cut her off by throwing her over my shoulder. She screamed and pounded her fists on my back as I walked down the staircase.

"Mum! Help!" Her mum looked up and smiled at me. Rose wiggled and kicked her legs, almost kicking me in the face a few times.

"No, I think I'll let Luke take you." Rose yelled and I laughed loudly, waving at her mum before walking into the rain.

I set her down on the grass. She pulled the hood over her head and gave me a glare. I stuck my tongue out at her and opened my arms wide.

"I love the rain!"

"I hate the rain!" Rose mocked me.

"Oh really?" I taunted. She nodded and I put my hands on her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss. She immediately responded. Wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me back. Warmth spread throughout my body as our lips moved until I pulled away with a smirk.

"Do you hate the rain now because you've got to admit, it's the best to kiss in."

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