Chapter Twenty-Two

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I've never been able to sleep in the hospital unless Luke was here with me. For some reason he made me feel safe, made me feel like I had nothing to worry about.

Although it was pitch black I could still make out my mother laying in the hospital bed. She has became much weaker, pale. Her hair has became very thin, so thin you could see the top of her head.

Her eyes weren't even full of life anymore. They were dull and lifeless, like she's given up. My dad laid in a chair, right next to mother, holding her pale, cold hand.

After my mum passes he'll go back to America, with his new wife, his daughter. Leaving me alone. The doctors told us that any day now she could pass.

The mere thought made me sick to my stomach. My mum is my best friend. She has brain cancer. Something that can take you fast, something you most definitely can't recover from.

I twirled my hair on my finger, staring at the lilac. Maybe I should dye it blonde, for my mum. She won't be here for me to graduate this year, or even for my senior prom.

Before I knew it a few tears fell from my eyes. This might be the last time I'll ever see her. My mum, the only person that will understand me completely is going to be gone soon.

I ran out of the hospital, heading straight for the park. I went to the bench and sat down, holding my head in my hands.

"How come every time I find you here your crying?" I heard Eve joke. She sat beside me, listening to me sob.

"What happened this time?" She asked. I sniffed, wiping the tears with the back of my hand.

"My mum has cancer."

"That's why you haven't been at school? I'm sorry Rose." I shook my head.

"I-I don't know what I'll do when she's gone, Eve." I sobbed. I heard Eve sigh before stroking my back, at least she tried to comfort me.

"What about your dad?" She asked after a long pause. I shook my head, turning to face her.

"He's going back to America when she passes." Eve stared at me like I was crazy.

"What's your dad's name?" She asked. Now it was my turn to look at her like she's crazy.

"Carter Winton." She covered her face with her hands and started to breath heavy. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Eve?" I touched her shoulder. She flinched, tearing her shoulder away from my hand. I frowned.

"Don't touch me!" She practically screamed. I flinched, retracting my hand away from her.

"Oh my god." She kept repeating over and over. She tugged on her hair, pacing in front of me.


"You're my sister." She stated in a whisper. My eyes widened as I stared at her. It all started to connect now.

She has my dad's eyes, his hair. All these features connected back to my dad. Eve was his daughter he had with the woman that he left my mum and I for. She even had an American accent. I stared at Eve, my eyes watering at the sight of her. My hands shook slightly.

"I have a sister?" I asked shakily. My lips tugged into a smile. Eve was pretty much doing the complete opposite. She started to play with her fingers, a frown covering her face.

I went forward to hug her but she stepped back, shaking her head. What made me mad was that I should be the one mad about having a sister. Instead she is. Does she think my dad cheated on her mum with mine no bitch it was the other way around.

"Stay away from me!"

"Is this hard for you?! Did your dad leave your mum for some whore?! Fuck you, Eve, fuck you!" I screamed at her, as I finished I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. I turned my head to the side, holding onto my now throbbing cheek.

I opened my eyes to see Eve holding a hand to her mouth while shaking her head. She slapped me.

"You bitch." I hissed, stabbing my finger into her chest. She kept shaking her head, backing up slowly.

"I'm sorry." She whispered before running off.


"Rose!" Perrie squealed, hugging me tightly. I laughed, hugging her back just as tight. Normally I'm here all the time, helping Perrie with her appointments.

"What're you doing here? How's you're mum?" She asked quickly. I laughed again, shaking my head.

"Not good, and I wanted to dye my hair a different color." I answered, setting down in the salon chair.

"How about you and Zayn?" I asked, changing the subject. Perrie smiled before showing me her ring. She always talked about it but never wore it when she dyed other people's hair in hope of keeping it clean.

"What color?" She asked, slipping her ring off and pulling on some plastic gloves. I pulled the picture of my mum's hair from my pocket and showed her. She studied it for a minute before clapping her hands together.

"I'll have Jade mix the dye to make that color." She smiled me before slipping out of the main room and into the back. I leaned back letting out a breath.

The salon always made me feel good, the feeling of getting a new hair color made me feel good but this time, with my mum's hair color, I felt sad. Her hair was almost the same color as Luke's.

As I waited for Perrie to get back with the hair dye I started to think of what's happened this school year. Number one being Luke. That boy is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me, I truly love him.

I'm in love with Luke Hemmings.

Who would've thought I would say those words. I mean, hell, a couple months ago my mum wasn't sick, my dad showed no interest in my mum and I, and Luke and I hated each other. Kind of.

Eve hasn't spoken to me since we found out we were related. Since she slapped me. It's like she avoids me.

Perrie walked back into the room with a purple haired Jade. I smiled, hopping out of my chair and hugging Jade. I picked up a piece of her hair and laughed.

"Are you trying to be me?" I teased. She scoffed.

"It isn't lilac honey, it's purple." All three of us laughed before going back to Perrie's station were I took a seat.

I was so used to dying my hair that I didn't mind the wait. Perrie and I always catch up whilst she's coloring my hair. As she started to rub the blonde into my hair she started to question.

"How's that Luke kid?" She asked with a smirk. I flickered my eyes to hers in the mirror then rolled them.

"You were right, we're together. I love him Per, I really do." She squealed, pointing her blonde, hair dye, colored finger at me.

"I told you so!"


Sorry I haven't updated on my normal time, I'm in Florida (and I live in Oklahoma!!) playing in the ESPN softball World Series. It's pretty cool. I also got a new phone so.... Anyway, hoped you liked the update and remember to VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

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