chapter five - history

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third person pov.


[SOREN, six years old.]


HER feet tapped lightly against the hardwood floor as six year old Soren Ludovica Hale walked through the kitchen. She was feeling thirsty after going to bed early, she always got thirsty during the night time and as much as her parents told her that she wasn't allowed to get up during the night she still always did it.

"I thought we told you no more drinks at night." The deep voice of Arlo Hale made Soren turn around quickly, holding the fresh glass of orange juice in her hands. Arlo laughed, seeing the way that her eyes widened when she tried to give him 'puppy dog' eyes. "I won't tell your mom, don't worry."

"I was thirsty, dad." She complained, quickly taking a sip of the drink as she sat down onto the stool. Arlo sat down beside her, brushing back his daughters long dark hair that she had inherited from her mother.

"I can see that, you practically gulped it down whole." He chuckled at her, "Would you like to see something cool?"

"Duh." Soren rolled her eyes. "What about Sybil?"

"She's sleeping. Now come on." Arlo took a hold of her hand, walking her out of the kitchen. He walked her through the basement, pulling back some of the draws before pressing the buttons on the keypad, the secret door opened to the reveal a secret passage that led to another room. "This is our secret, Soren."

"I love secrets." Soren giggled as she wrapped her arms around her father's chest. "What is it down here, Papa?"

"You are just like me, my little girl." Arlo smiled as he hugged her, her brought her into the room which was lined with assault riffles on the walls and a table in the center of the room. He watched as his daughters eyes widened as she looked around the room, glancing around so that she could take in everything that was around her. Her small hands trailed over the weapons as she turned back to Arlo. "You like them, Soren?"

"Can I hold one?" She asked instead of answering his question, she wasn't entirely sure on what was going on, but she liked what she saw. The young girl thought it was like the ones she had seen in films.

He nodded, walking further into the room where the smaller handheld weapons were. He picked up a gun, an A.K 44 and placed it into the palm of her hand. Soren's hand dropped slightly as she brought her other hand for support. "You hold it like this." Arlo showed her, placing a similar gun into his own hand as he pointed it in front of him.

"Why do you need a gun, Papa?" Soren pondered, as she held the gun out in front of her.

"To protect my family, honey." Arlo replied, not wanting to give her the real answer.

Soren stared at him for a moment longer, she was always a clever kid and that made Arlo favorite her more over his eldest daughter, Sybil. Despite Arlo trying to get his oldest daughter to enjoy the same interests as him, she always disliked it and was often sensitive. Arlo didn't like having to deal with such a sensitive child and left his wife to deal with her which led to Summer and Sybil growing closer.

Soren on the other hand, was a little bit more involved in Arlo's interests which led to them being a lot closer than usual. Soren often enjoyed playing with weapons and annoying her older sister, but she was protective and loyal to her family, despite only being six years old.

"Protect us from who, the bad guys?" Soren asked him, her blue eyes under the light seemed to be lighter.

Arlo nodded to confirm her thoughts. "Exactly. And when the bag guys come you know what you have to do."

"Protect the family." Soren said, "Or like Mama would say, proteggere la famiglia."

"Damn right, girl." Arlo grinned sadistically at his daughter. "Just don't be telling anyone about this or else your mother will beat my ass."

"That's silly, Papa." She giggled again, placing the gun down onto the table when something suddenly caught her eyes. She walked over to where the knifes were being held, picking the second smallest one up and holding it in her hand, the handle of the knife is designed by a small flower at the bottom. "This one is pretty."

"It is, maybe you can have it when you're older." Arlo told her, a grin stretched across her face as he looks down at his concentrated daughter. She was entranced by the knife in her hands and the wicked grin across her face only made Arlo feel prouder.

"When I'm older? But that's going to be ages! I'm only six!" Soren stomped her foot onto the ground, a frown now covering her face instead.

He kneeled down so that he could face her, placing his hands onto her shoulders. "Soren Ludovica Hale. We did not teach you to stomp your foot when you don't get your own way."

"Sorry." She muttered under her breath, looking away from him for a second.

"Don't be sorry, be better." Arlo corrected her. "When you turn eighteen, you can have it. Deal?"

"Deal." Soren stuck out her hand for him to shake, after they shook hands, she covered her mouth because of her yawn.

Arlo picked her up, holding her head firmly in his hands as Soren tucked her head into the crook of his neck. He closed over the secret passage, then carried her upstairs to her bedroom where he placed her into her princess designed bed. "Goodnight, honey."

"Night, papa." She whispered, as she fell asleep.

Arlo left her door open an inch before returning to his wife who was already sat up in bed. The two of them were engaged and were going to marry within the next two years but they needed to find a way to convince Summer's family to allow her to actually get married in the first place.

"Was Soren awake again?" Summer asked, her slight Italian accent made Arlo's heart flutter and when he nodded Summer sighed. "That girl is going to be a troublemaker when she is older."

"And Sybil will try to keep her out of trouble." Arlo chuckled to himself, getting into bed beside her.

"Sybil is a good girl, she'll always be the protector."

Arlo shook his head, disagreeing with what she was saying. "Nah, that'll be Soren. She's strong, she's built for this world."

"She's only built for this world because you made her like that, Arlo." Summer retaliated; she knew exactly what he was teaching Soren but still, she made no effort to stop him.

"Don't be mad, baby. Now come on, let's go to sleep." Arlo whispered, wrapping an arm around her waist as he went to sleep with his wife in his arms.

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